-Stressful Situation-

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"I'm so close!"





"I'm so close to committing arson right now!" you yelled in your bedroom while stuffing your face in the pillow trying to muffle your screams of frustration.

Sighing you sat up from your bed trying to meditate and clear your thoughts. "Phew Y/n calm down... It's okay you can do it..." you mumble to no one in particular.

"Breath... calm...."



"Not until I get those two other girls who aren't even helping me in this GROUP PROJECT!" you shouted, literally feeling your veins about to pop out in frustration.

Well, if you're wondering what Y/n is so angry about. Let's rewind, shall we?

~Flash back~

Looking at the University in front of you, you gulped in nervousness since this was all new and a lot to take.

"Okay Y/n, new school and new obstacle to face..." you mumbled frowning at the last part before forcing a smile on your face once again. "It's okay just act normal and you're going to be just... fine" sitting on a random chair looking at the room already filled with new faces.

The noise in the room got interrupted when the professor cleared his throat and face the class with a smile. "Hello class I'm Professor Jones. Take out your books and turn to page 30" he instructed.

Placing your bag down under the desk, taking out your book you started writing making sure to pay close attention.




After some time, you got bored and decided to randomly doodle on a piece of paper. Drawing figures and other stuff that can keep you entertained.

"Okay class I want you to form into groups. Make a video presentation and send it to my email. The due date is next week. Monday, Midnight sharp"

Perking up, you groaned slightly before scanning the room. 'I don't even know these people!' you thought.

Welcome to college I guess.

Gulping, you plucked up the courage to tap the person's shoulder that was seated near you. When she turned her head to look at you, you immediately forced a friendly smile on your face. "Hey, I was wondering if we can be partners for the project?" slapping yourself mentally your smile turned into a nervous one calling yourself stupid over and over again for being so awkward.

"Oh yeah, sure" the girl shrugged. Sighing out of relief you tapped the girl's shoulder in front of you asking the same question and was happy that she agreed.

In the end the three of you exchanged names and numbers and walked your separate ways.


The next day you got up early feeling refreshed. Grabbing the cup of coffee in the table, you sipped on it while inhaling the soft aroma of caffeine.

"Good morning to you too Sunny~" you greeted when you felt a pair of arms slithering around your waist.

Pouting, Sundrop nuzzles his face in the crook of your neck. "You've been busy lately and I'm getting worried about your health" he mumbles while looking at you in concern.

Starlight// Sundrop/Moondrop x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now