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"Oh I absolutely love being here! It's s real pleasure Munson" I gushed, giving him my best puppy dog eyes. He kept quiet and observed my odd behavior.

"My my, what a dream" I sighed. Then, I stared right into the depths of his soul. I wanted to make him uncomfortable till he breaks away. Because he never breaks away. I'm always the one to look away.

"But it's a little complicated, because all you goons keep on complaining like little boys. At this point I expect you to go shove a crayon up your nose. I may not want to be here. But I am."

Still looking into Eddie's eyes, "If I have to waste my evening, getting thrown around. I will go ballistic. or I may just leave. That's up to you. That sub you were looking for? Gone. This final, may I add, very important meeting? Postponed"

I curled my lip in a sad way. "Then you poor little babies won't get your meeting" I tensed up.
"You can all cry and get angry, maybe, I don't know throw some things. But I won't be disrespected"

"Now. are we going to play or do I have to stand here and watch you all go cry to your mommies about it"
I took focus on Eddie again.

He looked different. He looked surprised. But I needed to let it out.
"While you're at it, have your diaper changed because you are full of shit!" I pointed to his chest and tapped it with every word.

It was silent for a moment. Eddie's smile started to peek through. A slow laugh bubbled from him. We just kept staring into each other's eyes. My arms were crossed and at this point I had been tapping my foot impatiently.

At last, He looked away and broke free of the what felt like forever gaze. He smirked and stuck his hand out. "Welcome to Hellfire"

I pushed my sleeve up a bit and then clasped it to his. One shake. That's it.

He started clapping. "Alright everyone! Take your places. It's show time baby." He violently twitched his head and smiled creepily. His gaze sweeping upon everybody. I could feel the excitement fill the room as I took my place. I sat next to Dustin who gave me a thumbs up. Switching from Dustin to Eddie, I watched him sit down at his throne, admiring the table in front of him.

I noticed he treated Hellfire like a family. Which was, adorable. Every person he had took in and led. I guess that's why they admire him so much. Eddie caught me staring at him and he smirked. I quickly glanced away. It's time to play.


Eddie made a funky narrator. From flinging himself, gesturing dramatically, to practically climbing on the table. The Hellfire Boys loved it.

They joined in on the role play, acting in character, feeling the tension Eddie provides. The way they get wild when Eddie hisses out damage.

"That's a miss" he laughs. "Fuck!" Dustin slams his hand on the table, the other groan in misery.

"Get it together everyone" Immediately everyone hushed and strained to hear what the dungeon masters next situation is.

"You have all come back from a luxurious battle. Everything went just as planned, things are smooth. The town is happy." Eddie turns swiftly at each remark.

"You are my heroes! Thank you for protecting us" Eddie stand up and cradles himself, mimicking a kid.

Dustin laughs, "Of course kid. It's what I do best" Eddie grins up at him.

"The town decides to reward you with a meal. A huge tasty meal" He rubs his stomach.

We all pretend to feast and drink. Eddie swirls his necklace around his finger.

𝐀 𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐄 - Eddie Munson x Y/n HendersonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora