CH:30- YOU are my whole STORY!

Start from the beginning

"Her first love is still medicine," Haseena responded gleefully after the change of the topic, "haven't you seen her?" She asked while gesturing to him to stop the swing.

"I know," Zayan forwarded his hand, "but I still wonder, what type of life, she must have had with abbu?" He asked as he looked at Haseena who wrapped her hand around his upper arm.

"I don't know much," Haseena placed her head on his shoulder, "but all the memories, I have of them together, I have barely seen them arguing with each other," she continued to stroll beside him, "they might have their differences but they have prioritized me above everything," she said while removing her head from his shoulder, "Ammi has told me, I was the thread that has held them together, otherwise, they had nothing in common," She glanced at Picasso who was strolling beside them too.

"Hmmm...," Zayan muttered as he tilted his head to look around when his eyes landed on Karishma who was standing on the balcony from God knows what time, "Hey!" Zayan waved at her.

Karishma waved back at him but her movements stopped when her eyes met with Haseena's.

"How are you?" Zayan asked as he stopped the stroll and while placing his hand around Haseena's shoulder, he stood there as if he has all the time in the world.

"I'm good," Karishma answered casually, "how are you?" She leaned over the balcony slightly.

"Good...Good," He responded cheekily, however, Karishma's yearning eyes made it difficult for Haseena to stand there.

"I think Ammi is calling me," Haseen removed his hand from her shoulder and went inside the living room where Ammi and Bi were present, without acknowledging Karishma's presence.

Zayan looked at his friend surprisingly, "when did she become so rude?" He muttered and then glanced at Karishma, standing there with a slightly flushed face.


Haseena came from the lawn and sat beside Ammi who was selecting jewelry and clothes to wear to the wedding with Bi, but her mind was stuck on the moment that she saw on the lawn. Karishma is standing on the balcony with her sketchbook. It was the first that in the past many days, that she has seen her holding the sketchbook, again, "How long she has been standing there?" She thought as she leaned on the couch comfortably but it was not even a few minutes since her arrival when Karishma entered the living room with the sketchbook in her hand and sat beside Bi opposite to Ammi and her.

"What are you sketching?" Bi asked as she glanced at Karishma who was sitting right next to her.

"I'm finishing a sketch," she looked at Haseena who was pretending to be unaware of Karishma's presence, "which I started some time ago," she said with a slight smile on her face.

As soon as Haseena heard her response, she bid goodbye to Ammi and Bi and moved out of the room.

"Why don't you speak to her?" Bi whispered in Karishma's ear as she followed Karishma's gaze which was lingering on Haseena who was ascending the stairs.

"I have tried talking to her, Bi," Karishma moved closer to Bi, "but she is not willing to listen."

Before Bi could respond, Ammi's voice broke the flow of their conversation, "what is going on there?" She looked at them suspiciously.

"Apparently, Karishma likes someone," she looked at Karishma whose face had gone pale, "but, they happened to have developed a misunderstanding and now that person is not willing to listen to her," Bi pressed on Karishma's hand gently and reassuringly. 

"Is that so, Karishma?" Ammi peeked through her glasses.

Karishma just nodded, she didn't know how Ammi would react when she will get to know that person is Haseena.

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