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    Director Liu was a lot more honest, and he originally wanted to take the two men back to deal with them.

The reason why these two gangster policemen have been able to get in until now is that there are people on them. They are usually muddled, and Director Liu just opened one eye and closed one eye.

But the two of them actually opened their mouths at 30,000 yuan, and they even got people to grab the handle, which is not easy to handle.

At this time, I heard footsteps again, and it was Section Chief Zhou of the Planning Bureau who said, "We help with the procedures for the food factory. What's the difference? Tell me, if we make mistakes in our work, we must It will be dealt with seriously." He got angry when he received the call from He Changfeng, what does it mean for a small police station to stretch his hand so long?

He Changfeng didn't expect Director Liang to come over in person, and also called Section Chief Zhou, who was close to him.

The people don't fight against the officials, and it's easier to use what's in the system for things within their system.

Director Liu didn't expect another person, and said, "This is because I didn't discipline my subordinates strictly, which caused trouble for the food factory. In front of the two of them, let me say something, I will definitely take this matter seriously. "

Don't think that Section Chief Zhou is just a small section chief of the Planning Bureau, but this position is Jingui, even if he is given the chief of Qingshui Yamen, he will not change it. On weekdays, Director Liu, who calls the leaders of the Public Security Bureau as brothers and sisters, still cannot enter his circle.

Director Liu wiped his sweat, these two men were as stupid as pigs. He Changfeng's background is unfathomable, and it is hard to imagine how he would attack him.

Section Chief Zhou looked at Director Liu at the moment and said, "Director Liu, the private enterprise has just been implemented, and the leaders of these factories are all paying attention. You two policemen will extort money when they come up. Where are the people's police? Bandits with official skins. I really don't know how such a person got into the police force?"

Although it was a matter of fact, Director Liu's cheeks were hot when he heard it, clearly saying that he was incapable of restraining his subordinates. Although Section Chief Zhou was not his immediate leader, but he called his immediate leader a brother, he quickly put on a smile and apologized.

Section Chief Zhou did not respond to him with a stern face. He was in charge of He Changfeng's company. He heard that they were recruiting workers. He was very happy. The more standardized the factory, the greater his performance. Before the second industry was implemented, He Changfeng's food factory was his heart. Now all cats and dogs are coming over to stretch their paws. Is this hitting him in the face?

Section Chief Zhou ignored Director Liu, but came to say hello when he looked at Director Liang.

Director Liang asked him kindly about his work situation, and then said: "Since Director Liu said, I also believe that Director Liu will handle it fairly. I still have something to do."

He Changfeng said: " I will send you."

Section Chief Zhou will also send him.

Director Liang said: "No, Changfeng will just send me."

Section Chief Zhou nodded, then turned his face and continued to reprimand Director Liu.

He Changfeng sent Liang Ju all the way out, and his bus was parked there.

Director Liang said: "Do it well, don't lose my face." Their officialdom has many twists and turns.

As soon as he appeared, within a week, everyone knew that He Changfeng had something to do with him. This time, Director Liang personally came here with this consideration. Those who were not open to the eyes of him came to find faults every now and then.

He Changfeng said: "Thank you, I will definitely not let you down."

Director Liang knew that he was a reliable child, and since he said so, he could definitely do it, and said at this moment: "Well, we have to combine work and rest. When it's time to come to the compound, my old man is still talking about you."

He Changfeng said, "Well, I'll go over the weekend."

Director Liang encouraged him a few more words, and then asked the driver to drive back to the unit.

He Changfeng watched his car drive away before returning. When I went back and watched Section Chief Zhou train the tall and strong Chief Liu to hold his head up, the faces of the two gangster police officers had become ugly.

Not to mention much regret in their hearts, where the pride they had when they first came has been frightened. If Section Chief Zhou was so reluctant to discuss this, they would definitely be imprisoned. If you don't ask for money, you will be in a situation, and once you are in a situation, you will have a criminal record. In the future, it will take a lifetime to follow the file.

I was thinking about taking revenge on He Changfeng before, but now I have put aside the desire for revenge. Seeing He Changfeng, he hurriedly said, "Brother, this... this matter is a misunderstanding. Your lord has a lot of it, so please forgive me.

" .

He Changfeng said, "Who asked you to come?" No matter how daring these two were, they would not dare to blackmail the factory. He wouldn't believe it if there wasn't a plan behind it.

Dong Da and Wang Lao Er were still a little hesitant.

Director Liu's big hand slapped the back of the two people's heads heavily, and said, "At this time, you still don't want to tell the truth?"

Director Liu was in a hurry. As if he had instructed.

Dong Da and Wang Lao Er, although they can't offend Wei Shao a little, but at the moment it is about their future, and their hearts are hesitant. , and the rest went smoothly: "We are small people, he opened his mouth, how can we refuse?" Since everyone has been recruited, we have to find a way to blame him for everything, so that they can be exonerated. .

Section Chief Zhou said: "Director Liu, you heard that too, whose public servant is this?"

Chief Liu said, "Just look at me." After that, he took the two away.

These two little scoundrels thought that they had confessed to Wei Shao, they had never committed a crime, at most they criticized education and added a fine.

But the police station sent to ask Wei Shao, Wei Shao denied.

These two know the law. He also used public office to extort and extort companies in the jurisdiction, with a huge amount, and two leaders came back and forth. Director Liu dealt with them severely, and each was sentenced to ten years in prison.

Then I reported this to Section Chief Zhou and Chief Liang.

However, when Director Liu was in the dry vegetable factory before, he was bumped by Director Liang. His original title was promoted this year, and his qualifications could be improved. He was also affected by this incident, and the duck to the mouth flew.

For his subordinates to do this kind of thing, he is a serious dereliction of duty. If he can't rise to his age now, he will be like this in the future.


Wei Shao has been in a bad mood these days. He was questioned by the police station a few days ago, and then rumors came out. Wei Shao was a cow before because of his father.

His father was still in a high position, he went out to make some quick money, and everyone was holding him. But now there are rumors that he is arrogant. He was seized by his father's political enemies, and this time he failed, and his father slapped him when he came back.

His dad is a smiling tiger. Zhouliu was very fond of his son, and Wei Shao was slapped in the face by a slap. He slammed the door angrily and walked away. Anyway, he had money in his pocket, and he went out to eat, drink and play for a few days and didn't come back. He wanted to show his dad a little more.

He went to a friend's house to play for a few days, and when he came back, he found that the sky had changed.

He didn't see his dad, only his dad's secretary, and said, "Master Wei, Bureau Wei asked you to take good care of yourself in the capital."

Young Master Wei stunned and said, "What's wrong with my dad.

" He has been transferred to Sichuan."

Wei Shao said, "How is that possible?" His father's position is not low, so how could he be transferred to the lower level?

The secretary didn't say anything.

But Wei Shao knew that it must have caused him trouble. Although he didn't know what his father was busy with, he knew that he was preparing for a promotion. But it's all ruined now, no wonder his dad was so angry that day. Actually being transferred to a place, it is easy to transfer out but difficult to come back.

The reason why he can live so comfortably in the capital is because of his father. Who doesn't look at him high. When his father leaves, can he still be as happy as before? He has seen a lot of people walking for tea, and this time it was finally his turn.

Before, he was too presumptuous and sinned many people. Now that his father is gone, those people will turn around and liquidate him again. It's better to go out and hide for a while. He regrets it a little bit, but he didn't do it himself. The other party didn't have any clues, and they could use public opinion to toss the father and son a lot. If I knew this was the case earlier, it would be good not to fight for the moment.

"I'm going there to find my dad too." Wei Shao said.

The secretary said: "Okay, I'll book a ticket for you."


Bai Qiu and He Changfeng went to Liang's hometown together. Bai Qiu studied Chinese medicine, and when he came, he would simply give Liang Lao a check.

Although Old Liang had great military exploits when he was young, he also suffered from some geriatric diseases when he was old.

Bai Qiu said: "Grandpa Liang, there is nothing wrong with your body, and the medicine can be stopped." The medicine is three-point poisonous. If you are not sick, you don't need to take medicine.

Old Liang said: "Okay, Doctor Xiao Bai."

Bai Qiu was a little embarrassed to be teased. He went out to play chess. Every time He Changfeng came, the two of them had to kill two games. Bai Lao won several times, and now that He Changfeng's level has risen, Liang Lao is not an opponent. When he couldn't get down, let Bai Qiu support him.

He Changfeng turned a blind eye when he saw Bai Qiu helping Elder Liang cheat.

Every time the two of them came, Mr. Liang was very happy, and he said to He Changfeng, "Is there anyone looking for trouble recently?" He listened to his son.

"No more." He Changfeng said.

Bai Qiu's eyes widened: "What's the matter, you have something to hide from me?"

He Changfeng said, "It's okay, it's all settled."

Bai Qiu was brisk.

He Changfeng looked angry at his little educated youth, and glanced at him from time to time. After playing two games, Bai Qiu went to wash the fruit, and He Changfeng had time to find a place where no one else was, and said to Bai Qiu, "Dear, don't be angry." He didn't want to get his ears dirty because of the mess in business.

Bai Qiu said: "Then next time you have to tell me."

He Changfeng said: "I see, Mrs. Factory Manager."

Bai Qiu said: "Talking nonsense again."

He Changfeng smiled when he looked at him.

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