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 Bai Qiu whispered to Xue Hai, "You are a child loved by your parents."

Bai Qiu's words pierced his heart, and Xue Hai burst into tears.

He had no mother since he was a child, his grandmother and uncle called him a nemesis, and the children in the family bullied him. At that time he had fantasized that one day his father would come to him and tell him that he was not wanted by anyone!

Xue Hai's life in the Xue family was not good. When his uncle's younger brother pushed him down the river, his uncle was beside him, and he thought it was a fight between children! After that, he even slapped him backwards, saying that he was angry, and he jumped into the river to threaten people after saying a few words.

That day was his most helpless day. He was disliked and disliked. Later, brother Bai Qiu said that he was willing to share half of his food. The small village chief asked him to live at home, and the He family became the most comfortable place for him since he was a child.

When he was the most difficult, his father was not there, but now his life is getting better, and his father came and said he wanted to go home with him.

If he had appeared half a year earlier, Xue Hai would have gone with him and left Xue's house without hesitation, but now his life is okay, and he would not dare to let him abandon his current life.

His uncle and aunt kept saying that his father had already married and had children.

What if it's true.

As soon as Xue Hai cried, Bai Qiu took out a handkerchief and gently wiped away the tears.

Bai Qiu's eyes were also red, and he also missed his father.

Liu Gong came back this time to pick up his wife and children to live a good life. He didn't expect his wife to die in childbirth, leaving behind such a son. It was very difficult to live without the protection of his parents. Seeing that his son was not far from him, But he dared not go over.

When he left without saying goodbye ten years ago, it was he who couldn't help their mother.

In the past ten years, he has worked harder than anyone else, and he just wanted to finish the project as soon as possible and go home for reunion, but unfortunately it still happened. Watching his son cry, his 30-year-old man also cried.

But the people present looked at their grandfather and were silent.

Bai Qiu comforted Xue Hai for a while, and then the little guy gradually stopped crying, but he kept his arms around Bai Qiu from behind. Even though his father was right in front of him, only Bai Qiu could give him a sense of security.

Secretary Feng had a very good impression of Bai Qiu before, and seeing Xue Hai's move, his evaluation of Bai Qiu was even higher. Whoever treats him like a child is like a mirror, so it can be seen that Bai Qiu is really doing his best on weekdays.

Bai Qiu said to Liu Gong, "This time, where do you want to take Xue Hai?"

"I want to take him back to Shanghai, our hometown is from Shanghai." Liu Gong was also an educated youth back then. He did not go home even after reuniting with his wife and children. He has been building the motherland in a remote place. Now that the project is completed, he can finally go back.

Bai Qiu said, "Xue Hai is a bit sensitive. Since he called me Xiao Bai, I will take the liberty to ask him, do you still have a home outside?"

Liu Gong attaches great importance to Bai Qiu and sees how dependent his son is He, Bai Qiu's actions are likely to affect whether his son can go back.

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