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 Bai Qiu was a little nervous after saying this. I don't know if he wants to go to the county seat or not. If it doesn't work, it will reveal his thoughts.

When it came to his lips, he spared a few more laps.

He Changfeng said, "What do you say?"

Bai Qiu said, "I..." Finally, he said, "I want to go to the county with you."

He Changfeng said, "Yes."

Bai Qiu blinked . Eyes, I didn't expect him to agree so happily.

He Changfeng said: "The car from the county is expected to arrive in the middle of the night. You should go back and sleep for a while. When the car arrives, I will call you.

" To prepare some!

Through the moonlight, He Changfeng could also feel the joy of the young educated youth, and he felt a sense of relief in his heart.

After Bai Qiu went back, Aunt Lan greeted her while washing clothes and went back.

He went back to the room and took out his green bag that serves the people diagonally across the army. The glass salt water bottle in the hospital just happened to have a rubber stopper on it, which could hold water on weekdays.

He filled a bottle of water to drink on the road, and looked at the total of eight yuan and fifty cents in his pocket. One pound of meat tickets, five pounds of food tickets. There are also more than a dozen pieces of orange candy, several sets of clothes, two pens, and a red book. This is all his belongings, the poor family is rich, he took five yuan, food stamps and meat stamps. Also got some candy.

Put it in the messenger bag, and plan to go to the farmland to wait early. Although he wandered around as a soul for a while after his death, it was a long time ago after all!

He urgently needs to understand the current era, and when he thinks of going to the county tonight, he is not excited and nervous.

When he went out, Aunt Lan had already washed the clothes and was drying them. The climate in the northeast is dry, and it hangs in the yard and is stabbed by the wind overnight, and it will dry the next day.

Bai Qiu said: "Auntie, I'm going out for a while. I won't be back at night."

Lan Guiying likes Bai Qiu very much, but not going home at night in the village is a big deal, absolutely not allowed.

Just as he was about to educate him, he heard Bai Qiu say, "The little village chief called me something." When

Lan Guiying heard He Changfeng calling him, she said, "Sure, you can go with him so that you can take care of me. Remember the points when you weigh in, so that they won't fool us." Those people in the grain depot are all people who make dishes.

Bai Qiu agreed.

Lan Guiying said: "Come back early, the county has strict control, don't make trouble outside, you can take care of Changfeng."

Bai Qiu was very happy to see that everything went so smoothly, and agreed immediately.

All the way to the farmland, everyone piled the grain on the edge of the field. In this way, the truck can be loaded directly when it is transported later. Although it is night, everyone is working in full swing.

Their brigade harvested the autumn earlier than other villages. After the autumn harvest, there was not much serious work left, and they could take a break when that time comes.

Bai Qiu also joined hands next to him. But most people saw him thin and didn't call him when he was doing heavy work.

Don't look at each and every one of the work during the day, but the more you get to the end, the more energetic, hey, hey, the laborer's shouting can't wait to spread out for ten or twenty miles.

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