Bai Qiu immediately looked for He Changfeng: "Where are the others?"

"I don't know."

Bai Qiu touched He Xiaosi's hair and rubbed his chubby little face. The He family are all good-looking, and the little cub is no exception. It's really cute to stand there and let him touch it.

He Xiaosi was still jumping up and down after being touched. He really likes brother Xiaobai.

When Bai Qiu woke up, he found that the water in the tank had been selected, and two wowotou were warmed for him in the pot, and he ate the wowotou with some pickles.

After dinner, I saw Shuan Zi knocking on the door and said, "Bai Qiu, the little village chief told you to go to the village committee."

"What's the matter?" Bai Qiu asked.

Shuan scratched his head and said, "I don't know."

Bai Qiu told the three children in the family to look after the house, and then went to the village committee. Although they didn't have to work in the morning, the people in the village were diligent. At this moment, many people were sitting on the roadside basking in the sun, and they greeted Bai Qiu one after another.

"Xiao Bai, your program is really well organized. Next time you have it, let the big guys know."

"That's right, it seems like my child will kill him if he learns something on weekdays. Now he thinks about it. If there is a literacy class in the village, I will send it to him."

Bai Qiu said: "The literacy class in the village will open soon, but if you teach children, you should send it to the county. The county will open primary and secondary schools. Now , it's all college students from other places to teach."

Yesterday, the educated youth were reading poems and the villagers were watching, deeply feeling that those who have read books are different from those who haven't.

"Tell me if it's true or not."

"Bai Qiu, I'm not worried about anything else, but if this child is sent to the county to go to school, will the kidnappers be kidnapped?" The security in the county is not very good. Sending your child out to school is daring.

When a few women heard it, they all came over and wanted to ask what was going on in school. Whose family didn't have many children these days. After finally seeing Bai Qiu, I wanted to ask something plain.

Bai Qiu is a little confused: "I also want to talk to you in detail, but the little village chief asked me to go to the village committee, I'm afraid he has something to do with me. So, can I come back and talk to you when I'm done? "

Bai Qiu was embarrassed for these sisters-in-law, and said, "Oh, I didn't know you had something to do. Then you can do it first. Let's go here."

Bai Qiu agreed.

When he left, everyone praised him. Said that he had a good temper, obviously he came from a big place, but he never looked down on people. Hu Zi's mother said, "If my Hu Zi can catch up with Xiao Bai in the future, it will be fine."

"I really don't know what kind of family can educate a child like Bai Qiu."

Bai Qiu went to the village committee and saw a group of village cadres. His face was a little hot, I really didn't expect that it was almost noon today, but others didn't seem to see his embarrassment and said, "Bai Qiu, why are you here? It's a good thing."

Bai Qiu said, "Uncle Jianguo . What's the matter?"

Before He Jianguo could say, Wang Mazi said next to him, "It's really time for you group of educated youths. The county educated youth resettlement office has allocated funds for you, and the standard is 70 yuan per person. Several batches didn't have such a good thing."

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