Volume 4: A Misguided Sense of Justice

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She turned her face away from him, and quietly replied.

"Yeah, thank ya."

The two continued on before they arrived into the center of Sector Four's village. Pyra looked around in amazement as she wasn't used to seeing villages with lights and lamps looking so lively.

"Woah.. this place has a lot of lights at night! In Perolia it would be lit well at night, but never like this. Although, the sun is just coming up, so that could be messing with me."

Jaiden smiled, and put his hands in his pockets.

"The sun really doesn't do it any justice. You should see this place at night. It's always a beautiful sight. I've always thought that the park near the fountain is the prettiest place to look around. Maybe when we get back from our next mission I could show you?"

Pyra glanced over to see Jaiden looking around smiling, creating a strange feeling she'd never felt. 

"Why are you smiling?"

Jaiden was confused by her question.


She turned her head away again.

"I don't understand it. Back in Perolia we considered smiling to be something you only did when expressing gratitude. Nobody ever did it just because. But you and so many other people here do."

Jaiden faced away from her.

"Because, you never know when you won't be able to smile again. I never take a second for granted."

He turned back to her.

"Besides, smiling's infectious. I've heard that it can fill someone with joy, so sometimes spreading something like that isn't a bad thing."

She looked into his eyes and saw nothing but innocence and warmth. But behind them she could tell there was something hidden. But at that moment she didn't care. There was a newfound sense of trust between the two. Both of them stared into each other's eyes, until Jaiden relaxed.

"We've still got some time, you want to grab something to eat?"

Pyra shrugged and walked ahead of him.

"I could eat, Lead the way."

Jaiden knew of a small bakery in the village. He always remembered where it was because it was across from the soup shop. He always had to smell the stench of soup when he would go to get bread. Once they reached the bakery, Jaiden noticed that behind the counter of the stand he saw the man working there was asleep. He turned to Pyra and whispered.

"I wouldn't want to wake him, it seems like he's enjoying his-"

Pyra slammed her hand onto the bell that sat on the counter. The man was startled and walked over to the counter.

"My apologies. I never usually get customers this early!"

Jaiden chuckled and put his hands together.

"It's fine! I didn't mean to wake you. I'd like to have two steamed buns!"

The man nodded his head with a smile and handed the two their food. The buns were wrapped in a nice piece of paper, with one end of them sticking out. Pyra looked at the food drooling. Both of them were sitting at one of the benches Jaiden mentioned being pretty at night. They both sat down with their food in their laps before putting their hands together and pleading their thanks for the meal. As they were eating they noticed that life began flooding into the village, with few people beginning to walk around to different shops and buildings. Once they were done with their meal the two got up and continued on. Pyra followed Jaiden as he slowed his walking at a house, with a forge in the yard behind it. Jaiden walked around before muttering to himself.

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