The Unforgivable Act

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Nawal gazed at the lonely stars and her life is not compared to that lonely stars.

Even though the stars are lonely, they're with the company of some twinkling star that lighten their lonely mood while she is all alone.

The light of dawn seeped into her room, she rubbed her bleary eyes and walked to the window.

There was a pearly glow in the sky, she feels sad for making her husband go through such pain but it also not her fault.

He should have at least disclose some of his secret with her since she is his wife but instead, he hide those secrets from her.

She was just given a piece of information and her mind want to know the full information that's why she did what her mind asked her to do.

It was just a piece of paper and she regret ever reading that paper and the medicine she use.

"Your husband is hiding something from you, he has a wife and child. If you really want to know the truth, put this medicine in his drink."

That's what she reads and it lead her to the situation she is in.

Hadn't been she has any idea of what her action will do to him, she wouldn't have did that.

If her eyes will witness that side of her husband on that very day, she would'nt have done that and if she know he has this kind of secret, the secret he doesn't want anyone to know.

She would have wait for him to tell her himself but instead she follows her heart and now she is regretting her action.

She can vividly remember Hoorain telling her that she will find something that will shatter her heart but she should trust him and hold his hands.

Now that she know half of the truth will she be able to hold his hand like Hoorain asked her to do or she will just walk away from him?.

If Hoorain knew this then why didn't she hold his hand like she asked her to do?.

Is she afraid he will hurt her or not?.

What is the reason that make Hoorain to leave his side?.

Many questions in her head, many secrets she keeps digging, many hearts that keep hurting, no solution to any secrets and no answer to any questions.

Nawal gazed at the the first rays of sunlight that lit up her room.

The dawn chorus of melodic birdsong drifted in and at that moment she enjoy the sweet siren voice of the birds that cools her mind and gives her peace.

Not long after she heard something that distract her from enjoying her peace, voices from downstairs and it's like the house is in a complete mess.

She looked through her window only to see Faruk in the center of reporters and they're throwing questions at him from all angle.

Faruk on the other hand was just shaking, his body is not responding to any of their questions.

"We just receive some information about you and it's shock the world."

One of the reporter's asked Faruk and he doesn't even know what to say, "Isn't true that you have a hidden relationship before?."

"And you have a child?."

"Isn't true they're dead?."

"What's the cause of their death?."

"How comes we never know about this?."

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