Chapter 11: Sheldon McFee...

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They were driving to McFee's place while listening to a song Jack pick. Pierson was sitting in the back next to Daniel who was sleeping along with the Chief, occasionally Jack would look into the rear view mirror to get a glimpse of Pierson who was looking out of the window as she was admiring her surroundings "Chief?" Jack said trying to wake him up "well that's suspicious" Dooley said fixing the hat back on his head watching as McFee was running down the road with a chair stuck on his bottom, he began slowing down when he saw lights behind him as Jack was slowing down the car until it came to a stop with Sheldon on Dooley side of the car, Dooley took his hat off of his head "Evening" he said and the guy just stood there before sitting down on the chair that was stuck onto his ass...

After they got the chair off of him, they got him in the car while Pierson felt very damn uncomfortable with the lack of space she had but the kept her focus on the window outside, it was quiet before Dooley decided to break the silence that Pierson was enjoying by saying "Do I even need to ask?" and with out realizing Pierson mumbled "why do you even need to ask?" but luckily no one heard exactly what she said but heard something from her " what was that you said, Joanna?" Dooley question and she looked at them while Jack was looking at her through the mirror  "uh... I said nothing, don't worry about it" she said trying to cover up the fact that she ever said anything Jack saw that she made a face when Dooley asked so Jack tilted his head towards Chief and he made a 'really' face and Dooley noticed "alright, what ever you say Joanna" Dooley said suspiciously with his hands up, gesturing that he gave up, it went quiet again until he interrupted the silence once again "you know, I used to strap a chair to my ass and take long walks around the neighborhood too" Dooley said which made Pierson give a confused look, as soon as Jack heard this he looked into the rear mirror and saw her face which made him chuckle, looking back at the road again he said "we know who you are, Mr. McFee" he pause before speaking again "we were on our way to pay you a visit" with out waiting Dooley straight after spoke "so, who did this to you? Was it Leet Brannis?" Dooley paused before speaking again "we know he paid you off to use the truck" "your in deep water, I'd take the life preserver if I were you" Jack said "you wouldn't believe me if I told you." Sheldon spoke and the pair at the front looked at each other with 'try me' plastered across their faces "we'll keep an open mind" Dooley said as Jack turned his focus back onto the road, a few minutes later there was a beam of light coming from in front of them as they tried to shield the light, Jack spoke "what the hell is that?" Pierson leaned forward into the gap between Dooley and Jack "Jack stop the car" Pierson said "what, wh-" Jack said before getting cut off "Jack, just stop the fucking car!" Pierson shouted which caused him to stop, she went to open the door and got out she walked over to the lake, but when she got there she saw that there was no water just a hole with a light sticking out, when the boys finally caught up with her she walked back to the car.

When they got back to the car, they saw that Pierson was asleep in the chair at the front next to the driver seat "Jack, go drop her home, we'll finish this off tomorrow" Dooley said "Who's gonna drop you?" Jack questioned as he got into his seat "I'll hitch a ride from one of the boys" he said before walking away, he started the car and began driving when they could no longer see the boys getting into the car, Pierson began waking up "Jack?" she asked "Mm?" he answered softly "where are we going?" Pierson asked quietly "I'm taking you home" Jack said after breathing in sharply "um, at the moment I'm staying with Peggy and I told her I wouldn't be coming home tonight cause I thought I was staying at work" Pierson said lying through her teeth but she couldn't tell him that she was staying at Howard's house "oh well then, you can stay with me, if you want I'm not gonna force you-" Jack said before getting cut off "no, I wouldn't mind" Pierson said before smiling at him which caused him to smile back at her...

It was quiet for about 20 minutes and Jack had something on his mind that he never really had time to ask about "Pierson?" Jack asked "yeah?" Pierson asked " can I ask you a question?" Jack asked tilting his head to look at her "Shoot" she said looking at him, he looked back at the road again "why'd you kiss me? I mean after I left for war I thought you would of wanted nothing to do with me?" He asked "what made you think that?" she asked furrowing her eyebrows "I don't know. I  just..." he said pausing and exhaled deeply "look..." she said getting comfortable in her seat but so that she was facing him a bit with her back against the corner of the door "after you left, I cried every day, every night until I fell asleep thinking you died in war and that I would never see you again..." she said pausing before carrying on "But when I saw you in the ssr office, I was so relieved to see you, but I was also angry because I spent all those years thinking you were dead" Pierson said and Jack just looked at her "oh, damn I was such a jerk" Jack said chuckling "like hell you were" she said giggling and he looked at her, at this point they were looking at each other like they wanted to kiss but Pierson saw they light shine so she quickly turned her head and shouted "JACK!" and he quickly looked at the road and turned the steering wheel the opposite direction of the other car.

As Jack parked up the car inside the drive-way of his house Pierson spoke remembering what happened before hand and that he carried on looking at her while he was driving so every time he did that she had to tell him to look at the road or occasionally she would not say anything but push his head in the direction of the road "You should really focus more on the road rather than me" Pierson said with confidence "how can I if you keep distracting me" Jack said with a smirk on his face, Pierson grabbed his face and their lips met kissing one another passionately before turning ferocious and dependent, she quickly parted away from him to unbuckle her seat belt and quickly got onto his lap straddling him, before it developed into a make-out session, she pressed her lips against his once more before he pulled away he opened the car door and got out with her legs wrapped around his waist, when they got inside he set her down on the floor and she led him to the bedroom where it escalated from there...

Friends before warजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें