Chapter 10: Milk-truck driver

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Pierson and Peggy were standing behind a wall of glass behind the interrogation room with a few other Agents, watching Dooley and Thompson interrogate the guy they caught, apparently his name was Van Ert, well by the looks of his badge name, Dooley and Thompson can't really see behind the glass and who's watching them, Dooley put 2 objects in front of him; one was a stick and the other was a carrot, he sighed "I'm not gonna lie to you... your in a bad spot" Dooley paused "we have physical evidence linking you to an act of industrial sabotage and probably treason. With the type of charges being tossed around here, I can't see you winding up anywhere besides the electric chair." He said the last bit a lot more quieter "of course... you still do have the opportunity to switch seats with someone else. You see, fighting crime is a lot like fishing with your buddies; biggest fish wins." He said pausing "no offence, but your not the biggest fish" he said smirking which caused Jack to smirk right after " Doesn't mean you're not plenty big enough for me to feed my bosses, but if you were to help me catch bigger fish say, a grouper or a shark, I could see myself letting you off the line" Dooley said "I don't believe you" Van Ert said "well, you should. I'm in law enforcement." Dooley said smiling "Thing is, Mr van Ert, we're under a bit of an accelerated timeframe here. Lot of pressure to get this case sewn up, so this deal that I'm offering you will expire... as soon as I leave the room. All you have to do is point us in the direction of your employer. Just... give me... a name. Just give me a name" he said before getting up "Don't say I didn't try to do this the easy way" Dooley said before grabbing the carrot and walking out the room, Jack closed the door and took a deep breath, he cleared his throat as he walked over to the table and leaned against it In front of Van Ert, he grabbed the stick "you can threaten me all you want, but I'm not talking" Van Ert said "I'm not here to make you talk, Miles" Jack said before getting off the table and pulling his hair back "I'm here to make you sing" he said a lot more quieter, as Pierson and Peggy were watching it all happen "your gonna want to bite down." Jack said still holding onto his hair as Van Ert had a shaky breath and Dooley walked into the room that the girls were in watching Jack punch the suspect, Daniel said something to Dooley but the two carried on watching "Carter, Joanna take off for the night. A lady shouldn't be seeing this" Dooley said "You boys play nice" Peggy said and they walked out the room, Pierson walked to her desk and sat down as Peggy grabbed her stuff of the pegs, when she turned around she saw that Pierson went back to her work and she gave a confused face "Pierson?" Peggy asked "yes" Pierson said as she turned around to look at Peggy "are you going to stay here?" Peggy asked "uh, yeah. I gotta finish of some work" Pierson replied and turned back to her work again "oh okay. I'll see you back at Howar-... home, I'll see you back at home" she said as there were still agents doing their work, she put her jacket on and left, a few minutes later someone put the radio on "Meanwhile, in the snowy mountains of the Eastern Alps, battalion triage nurse Betty Carver tidied up while the men defend their country" a guy said on the radio and Pierson rolled her eyes "what a beautiful day to mend these pants. And my new Singer Featherweight 221 sewing machine makes stitching so easy" a lady said which was probably 'Betty Carver', a thud and then her annoying voice spoke again "oh, no. Nazis! Again! They've got me all tied up. If only captain America were here to rescue me!" She said and Pierson got up with a file and walked over to the room that Peggy and her watch Jack punch Van Ert, she opened the door and they all looked at her "it's sort of boring out there and I've finished my work... can I be of any help?" Pierson asked "well, as I was saying: we're gonna need a new stick" Jack said before he walked over to the wall and leaned on it (damn he has a thing with walls) "immigration has no record of a Leet Brannis ever entering the country" Dooley said "could be an alias" Ray said "if it is, our friend in there doesn't know it" Pierson said sitting down as her waist began stinging "he wasn't holding anything back- we get anything on the milk-truck driver?" Jack said changing his tone when he cut himself off "I'm on hold with Daisy Clover payroll" Daniel said holding the phone in his hand "he didn't sound like he was the brains of the operation, anyway" Jack said "more like the Krzeminski of the operation"Daniel said and jack snorted and chuckled a bit "Joke's on you, peg leg. I don't even know how to drive a truck" Ray said before looking back down at the file in his hand "Driver may be a lead, but this guy Brannis in the key." Dooley said "sorry chief. I pressed Van Ert pretty hard in there on Howard Stark. I don't think he ever met him" Jack said "Doesn't mean anything. Stark could have go-betweens between his go-betweens" Dooley said  while making weird hand gestures and Pierson just looked confused as hell " If this guy Brannis is calling the shots on this deal, I'm telling you, he's our direct link to Stark." Dooley said and out of no where Daniel straight away said after putting the phone down "I got the milk-truck driver. Sheldon McFee, 4 Springhill Road, Cedar Grove, New Jersey." Pierson panicked a bit "Hot damn. Let's go, boys... and lady" he said realizing that Pierson was in the room as they began walking to out the room and to the car.

Author's note:                                                                                                                                                                           Hello fellow readers, I'm so sorry for the late update ill try to post more from now on and also I'm thinking to also start writing a new book very soon, something to do with The Umbrella Academy :0 since I'm am very into it and the new season is just on fleek (such an old term, ik) but I hope you enjoyed this and maybe another update today or hopefully tomorrow if not in on of these days then something this week and once again feel free to comment and vote on this story :) 

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