Chapter 1: Before war

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Some info before you start reading so it will make sense
Jack Thompson was born on: July 18th 1920 (I actually couldn't find when he was born, so i made up a random date)
Pierson Joanna was born on October 12th 1921
1936 (Jack is 16, Pierson is 15)
There was a knock at the door and Pierson ran into the door and hit her head, she stepped back and put her hand on her head "Ow" she said rubbing her head slightly before she opened the door and saw Jack waiting outside his head was turned around so she couldn't see his face, she stood there with one hand on her hip and the other against the door to steady herself as she was leaning against the door  "Jack!" she said with her London accent but in an annoyed tone as he turned around he smirked at her trying not to show that he was laughing but his face was red so it was pretty obvious that he was  "Did I just hear you run into the door?"he asked trying not to laugh and Pierson shook her head with a straight face, she tried so hard not to smile but it made it's way to her face, she made way for him to come in when he stepped inside she punched his arm"ow... shit you throw a hard punch"he said rubbing his arm where she hit him, as they walked into the front room her mother Katherine had shouted from the kitchen "hun who was at the door?"She asked with her London accent, Pierson turned to Jack, they both looked at each other with wide eyes because they both thought She was sleeping, well that was what Pierson told Jack "shit, what do I say?"she whispered to Jack and he shrugged "uhh, it was th-"Pierson said before getting cut off by her mother walking in with a freshly home baked cake that Pierson made an hour before, she saw them and smiled "ah... Jack Thompson is it?"her mother asked the boy "uhh...yeah? he said confused "well, I've heard so much about you, Pierson won't stop talking about you"she said before looking at her daughter she walked over to the table and set the cake down and started slicing it "well all good things I hope"he said looking down at his new friend from a few weeks ago "so how did you meet?" her mother asked trying to make conversation "well there's a diner called the Automat, I wasn't looking at where I was going and I bumped into him spilling tea all over this shirt" Pierson said trying not to laugh, her mom looked at her and started laughing "That classic move, did you spot him before bumping into him"her mother asked smirking "what no, mom I didn't do what you did with dad, well not on purpose"she said before frowning as she thought of him, Jack looked at her and she looked upset "oh, what happened to your dad?" He said looking at the pair that looked really distressed "uh well...he uh...he passed away" Pierson said looking a bit down and a single tear rolled down her eye and she wiped it away, it got awkward really quickly, her mother tried to ease the tension "okay well enjoy your cake that Pierson made..."she said, she then winked at the two before walking away "mom...!"Pierson said before turning to Jack "I'm sorry about her, she can be... weird sometimes"she says and he starts laughing "it's fine... she's fun"he says looking down at the small girl "you're short"he spoke again with a grin on his face and her smile turned into an annoyed straight face, she rolled her eye at him and he started laughing again.
3 years later (1939)
During the 3 years Jack and Pierson were inseparable they would see each other everyday and hang out till it got late, his favourite thing to do was to hang out with her, sometimes they would go to the park and have races or sit on the swings and push each other, other times they would go to the cinema but most times Jack would get into a fight with someone who was making her uncomfortable which would end with her pulling Jack of the guy he was punching in the face, they would end up watching a movie at home wrapped up in blankets and cuddling for comfort and warmth... but when the war started 18 was the legal age to join and well women receive sexist comments of how they couldn't enter the war cause apparently their weak; all they could do was heal injured soldiers, when Jack found they were recruiting men to join the army he decided to join because he was 19, in good shape and good health he got accepted to join the army and was really happy about that but then he realised he needed to tell Pierson but he didn't want her to be upset and he definitely didn't want their friendship to end before going into war so the best possible option was to keep it from her... but the day after Jack got the news, Pierson got a call from Jack's grandmother (gam gam) she quickly ran to the phone thinking it was Jack but when she answered it, she heard gam gam on the phone "oh hello gam gam" (she called her that so Jack didn't think he was the only one who calls his grandmother that) Pierson spoke and his grandmother told her that he was joining the army and that Jack didn't know she was calling her to inform her about it, when the phone call ended she said to herself that she would wait till he told her, whenever he was ready; but the soldiers were waiting to leave in 2 weeks so he had to tell her sooner or later; a week passed and they were leaving in a weeks time but he still hadn't told her.

She was lying in bed one night 4 days before the soldiers would leave and she promised her self that the next time she would see him, she would confront him about it... the following morning there was a knock at the door and Pierson walked down the stairs in her night gown and scruffy hair she went to open the door and saw Jack looking out in the distance before turning around to look at Pierson who had just woken up "oh did I wake you up...I can leave if you want me too and come back later"He said quickly "no, no...come in... I needed to get up anyways otherwise I'd be asleep all day" she said smiling as he walked in "well it's good that I woke you up then anyways" he said laughing, Pierson went to the kitchen to make him a cup of coffee and make herself a cup of tea (bc she British and it's traditional lol) she came back with the mugs and handed the coffee to Jack, they then started talking about what they wanted to do for the day and then she remembered that she need to talk to him about him joining the army without telling her "Jack, can I ask you something?"Pierson asked "yeah, anything...go on"he said taking a sip of his coffee "when we're you gonna tell me that you signed up to join the war?"she asked as he choked on his drink "what?"he said after recovering from choking "well... i know you heard me, don't make me repeat it"she said in a serious tone, he looked down and looked back up to see her face, she was serious "okay look... I wasn't planning to alright-" he said before getting cut off by Pierson "what so you were gonna keep this a secret?"she asked practically shouting at him, he stood up "yes, I had no other option" he said and she stood up "what about telling me, we could have figured something out together... did you ever think about that being an option?!"she asked shouting "No, because I didn't want you to get upset, because I knew you wouldn't want to talk to me anymore... that's why I kept it a secret from you!"he said "I'm already upset Jack... I waited an entire week for you to tell me... you're leaving at the end of the week and you didn't think to tell me, at all!" She said shouting "Pierson, please just let me...-" Jack said and she started walking out the room, he grabbed her wrist to stop her leaving and pulled her gently in front of him "just let me explain please?" He said softly "there's nothing to explain Jack, you know what, fuck this Jack... I liked you okay, not just as friends but maybe more and you fucked everything up"she said before yanking her hand away, he stood there shocked.
Jack's pov
'What did she just say?' (In his mind)
'She likes me back'
'I fucked everything up, I should've just told her from the start'
'I'm a fucking idiot'
'What's wrong with me?'
"I'm sorry that what you want!?"he shouted "no Jack... you should know by now that sorry not gonna make this situation better!"she shouted and he stormed out the door "oh shit... what have I done?"she said quietly to herself, she grabbed a pillow and threw it at the wall next to her aggressively and sat down on the sofa and put her head in her hands, she looked up and took the mugs  to the kitchen and washed them...
Pierson's pov
'I'll just give him some space, an hour maybe...he should have cooled down by then, but then again I don't blame him for storming out... god I should not have snapped at him, why did I do that? I can control myself... there's something wrong with me...
She snapped out of her thought, she went back to the front room and grabbed a book she sat down and began reading it.
An hour passed...
She had finished the book and got up, she went to the phone and dialled Jacks number... it started ringing
No answer, she put the phone back down and walked away from it...
She tried calling him for the last 3 days but no answer, he didn't even pick it up to say hello or even when he was leaving all she wanted to do was apologise for snapping at him, every night she thought of him and his goofy smile and the way he would protect her in the cinema when someone would make her feel uncomfortable and the silly joke they made together, she missed him so much... she missed him dearly but the thought of him not coming back made her cry and depressed.

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