Chapter 6: Nitramene bomb

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"Jarvis residents" he said "they've weaponised it" Pierson said "what?" Peggy asked through the ear piece "Miss Joanna?" He asked unsure "do you know anyone else handling high explosive weapons at this time of night?" She asked "well, as a matter of fact, no, it's just that I promised my wife a soufflé, and if I don't get it in the oven by-" he said before getting cut off "Jarvis, what was once a theory is now a bomb, so apologies to Anna, but dinner will have to wait" she said stressing out "no, you're quite right. Mr stark left a note. Hold the line." He said before putting the phone down next to the jukebox and leaving to find the note 'sweetest dreams, I ever knew where I awake' she made a weird face "is the nitramene, by any chance, glowing?" He asked "yes" Pierson said "oh, that's not ideal" Jarvis said "an orange glow would indicate the nitramene has reached peak volatility and should be handled with caution" he said and she looked at it "cracking its shell would result in an implosion with a blast radius of-" he said cutting himself off "oh. 500 yards" he said sounding surprised "delightful" she said "render it inert with a solution of sodium hydrogen carbonate and acetate" he said "where are you going to find that at this time of night, I have no idea" he said answering his own question "leave that to me" Pierson said "there's one last note here, avoid touching the core to the containment ring, touching the core will result in-" he said before getting cut off "death?" She asked "I was going to say 'core overload' but yes" he said "Edwin, I'm home" Pierson heard Anna said "uh, I won't be a moment, Anna" Jarvis said "if that will be all?" he said a bit quieter "Jarvis you do realise that this job will have contained after - hours requirements" she said "so does my wife, Pierson" he said "good night" he said before putting the phone down and she put the phone down as well "Pierson, I'm afraid I have some news, Thompson's here" Peggy said as she put the bomb back in her bag "lovely" Pierson said into the earpiece and began walking to the door  before someone opened it to see Pierson at the door and Raymond unconscious "what?" He said and she grabbed the closest object to her, which in fact was a stapler, she whacked him across the face 3 times and hit him on the top of his head before falling unconscious she dropped the stapler and pulled his body into the room before closing the door behind her and walking down the stair passing someone when she finally got to the bottom of the stair she bumped into someone "oh, I'm so sorry" she said before looking up to see Peggy "it's alright, have you got it?" Peggy asked "yeah, here" she said before handing her bag to Peggy "get out of here, I'll distract Jack" she said quickly "but, he'll get suspicious" she said stressing a bit "don't worry, he won't" she said before smirking she walked towards him and bumped into him, spilling his drink all over him "oh, I'm so sor-" she said before looking up and seeing Jack "Pierson?" He asked "why yes.. um" she said before looking down and then back up "why are you here?" He asked getting suspicious just as Peggy suspected but that's exactly what Pierson wanted "oh, I'm here with a few friends, they forced me outta the house but you know they didn't know I was shot" she said " why are you here?" She asked him " well you know that mission that I was explaining to Dooley about before you and Peggy interrupted my explaining because of her ladies things and your shot wound, well yeah that's why I'm here" he said summarising everything up "but I'm here to socialise a bit" he said and looked down at her dress and it got awkward "right well... um, do you want to... dance?" She asked seeing Peggy dodging pictures by giving her back "uh.. I actually have g-" he said getting cut of by Pierson dragging him to dance she put her arms around his neck as put his hands around her waist after a few minutes of dancing she saw Peggy again "dip me" she said and he looked confused "what?" He asked and she leaned back so he could dip her, he pulled her back up and she still saw Peggy...

God do I really have to do this? Okay well here it goes. She thought, Pierson and Jack met each other in each other's eyes and Pierson slowly leaned in, when Jack saw what she was doing he leaned in as well and their lips met, after a minute of kissing they pulled apart and caught their breaths and looked at each other smiling, she looked over his shoulder and saw she was gone and they started just talking a bit  about random things that occurred in their heads "Pierson? You can get out of there now." Peggy said "well, I've got to go... I'll see you at work" Pierson said before walking away but she stopped, she walked back to him and kissed him on the cheek "goodnight" she said before leaving

When she got to Peggy's apartment she heard Peggy talking to someone, she heard someone coming to the door and she stepped back before they could open it "I was literally about to go out looking for you" Peggy whispered as she let her, she went to the kitchen and grabbed baking soda, white wine vinegar and a bottle of rum, she walked to the toilet with a bowl, cloth and the stuff she gathered as Peggy walked in behind her, Pierson locked the door and grabbed the stool she sat down and took the bag from Peggy "thank you" she said quietly to Peggy as she pulled the bomb out carefully and carefully put it on the towel, she added the baking soda in the bowl and added the white wine vinegar, she grabbed Peggy's perfume and added it in there as well she put some of it in the empty perfume bottle and grabbed the tweezers, she grabbed the bomb and and began opening it carefully, she tried very hard not to get it to touch the outer shell but it touched she pulled it out and and grabbed the perfume bottle, she then began spraying the perfume and it diffused... she let out a heavy breath "so what was the rum for?" Peggy asked as Pierson reached over for it, she opened the bottle and drank out of it, she passed it to Peggy and was about to put it in her mouth before they heard a noise "Colleen?" Peggy called from the bathroom but no response "is everything alright?" Peggy called out again still no response she passed the bottle to Pierson before running out

"Colleen" Peggy shouted out when she got out the bathroom, She didn't Hear anything but the room was a mess, She walked forward slowly with a shaky breath, she walked over to the bed and moved the blanket way from colleens face, when she did that she saw a bullet hole through her head and a bit of blood dripping down, she looked up into the mirror as saw someone coming out, Peggy kicked him in the knee cap and tried to take the gun out of his hand, while battling over it he shot a bullet near Colleen on the other pillow, she punched him in the face and then punched his arm, and then punched his face again and he fell into the chair, he got back up and attempted to punch Peggy in the face but she blocked it with her hands and twisted his arm before he pushed her into the wall, he opened the fridge door and hit her with it, she closed the door and he tried to strangle her, as Pierson discreetly went to the stove and picked up the kettle she walked up behind him and whacked him in the head before he fell unconscious "that should have done the trick" Pierson said smiling, Peggy went to the bathroom to clean up the mess in there, as soon as she turned her back, she got kicked in the leg and she shouted in pain "you fucking bastard" she said and he grabbed Pierson by her hair and swung her to the stove as the gas was on, he tried pushing her head in to the fire, just as she felt the heat below her head, she kicked him in the leg, grabbed his hand and put it in the fire and he shouted in pain, she grabbed the kettle from the floor and hit him in the face on each side as he bumped into something and saw a knife, he grabbed the knife and swung at her the first time but he missed, the second time he swung at her and cut her on the other side, so now both sides were injured and she screamed in pain, the third time he swung at her and she grabbed his hand and swung him out the window and Peggy came running to Pierson who was now bleeding on both sides, Peggy walked over to Colleen slowly and sat beside her... after a few minutes she started sobbing really loudly that's when Pierson heard, she limped over to her and rubbed her back for comfort...

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