Chapter 9: vita-Radiation

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"I see. Perfect" Peggy said as she wrote something down in her note pad "yes. Yes. Thank you" Peggy said before putting the phone down, she ripped the paper off the notepad and walked toward the coat rack she walked back to Pierson "stay here and don't get into trouble" Peggy said "why can't I just come with you?" Pierson said pleadingly "you're injured and very badly, stay put" Peggy said before walked over to her bag as Pierson watched her she walked off and Pierson began with her work again, after a few minutes she looked back up to see Peggy and Daniel talking, Peggy turned around to look at Pierson, straight after Daniel turned to look at her and she quickly ducked her head back down so it looked like she was doing work.

Peggy's pov
She went behind Daniel to see he was circling random things but she got it... it was gambling "Whitby's prospect, third race" Peggy said and Daniel turned to look at her "you sure?" He asked giving her a stare "Not At all. That's why they call it gambling" Peggy said making her point and smiling while putting her jacket on, he looked at the paper and circled what she told him to "I need to pop out for a minute... personal matters. Could you watch Pierson for me?" Peggy asked before she turned to look at her finding her staring back, Daniel turned to look at Pierson to see she put her head down to do some work... but he knew she was watching them "Her? I'm sure she capable of babysitting herself" Daniel said looking really confused "well it turns out she really not capable of that. But she is also injured, I do need someone to look after her." She said trying to get Daniel to watch her "why don't you get Jack to watch her?" he asked "well, he's a bit busy being favorite" Peggy said before looking into the conference room "Yeah alright sure. you owe me one" he said "got that film developed for you" someone said as they walked by throwing it to Daniel "Hey, thank a bunch" Daniel said and looked up for a split second "photographer from the society pages was at Spider Raymond's club. Says he may have got a shot of the blonde who was with Spider before he got killed" Daniel explained

Normal pov
Pierson looked back up and saw Peggy "I need you to get the files with the photographs of us" Peggy said "on Daniel's desk, in one of the cupboards" she added before she walked away and out the compound, Pierson looked up at Krzeminski and Daniel talking, she got up and limped over to the pair "I got a 10-ton ball of Roxxon garbage with your name on it" Ray said "All right, all right, give me a minute" Daniel said as he began putting his files away to the side "Joanna, finish up those transpo reports and file them for me" Ray said slamming the files on the desk and she slightly turned to get away before Ray said really loudly "Joanna!" And she turned back to look at the files "transpo reports. Get wiggling" he said before he clapped twice and walked away "I think you should go sit down" Daniel said trying to take good care of her "oh. I'm alright, don't worry about me" she said "please?" He asked and she grabbed the files and sat down, when he saw she went back to work he began walking out.

A few minutes later she had her legs resting on her desk as she was eating something and had her files on her lap, she put the files down and slid her legs of the desk, she got up and grabbed her pin which would automatically pick draws or doors, she slowly and quietly walked towards Daniel's desk as soon as she got there she ducked under it as there was still a few agents doing their work when she was about to stick the pin inside the locked draw the phone began ringing, she shot her head up at the ringing phone and gasped, she peaked up to see if anyone of the workers was walking towards the desk, but nobody gave a damn when the phone stopped ringing she resumed on with unlocking the cabinet door, she heard a phone start ringing again but this time it was from the desk in front of her so she hit her head trying to get up "bloody hell" Pierson said quietly to herself and stayed under, she peaked from the side of the desk this time to see someone walking towards the desk; it was Daniel, he got to the desk in front of Pierson with his back turned "hello, Sousa" he said and she began crawling to her desk "uhh... no. I don't see her" he said turning around to check if Pierson was there, he turned back around and she slid in her seat and put her legs back on the desk "well, ill keep an eye out.." he said turning back around to see Pierson just chilling with a file in her hand there like nothing happened, he looked confused "here she is. She's right... She's right here" he said before lowing the phone "Chief wants a word" he said and she put the files down, took her legs of the table and got up, she walked over to him and cleared her throat "Chief Dooley? Just stepped away" Pierson said as Daniel sat down and looked up at Pierson "uhh.. Vita-Radiation, yes i think we something for that in the project Rebirth file. Ill see if I can find it" she said "ill try" she spoke before slamming the phone down "what was that about?" Daniel asked "oh, just another errand" she said before walking off.

she walked into the room that Dooley and Jack were waiting in "Joanna. About time, where's Carter?" Dooley asked leaning against the table "oh uhh.." she said before looking at Jack who was looking at her as well "well, she couldn't make it cause she had a lot of work to finish off, but she'll meet us here" she said taking her eyes of Jack and looking at Dooley, he looked at Jack and looked back at Pierson "well. I didn't know our Government had such good taste in secretaries, What's your name, darling?" Jones asked "Agent" she answered "that has a lovely ring to it" he said chuckling "as requested. I'll meet you back at the office" Pierson said handing Dooley the Vita-radiation scanner and began walking to the door before Dooley said "what's the rush?" Jack was looking from the corner of his eyes "yeah, stick around we could use your help" Jack said smirking at her "It wouldn't be for filing, would it?" She asked "Turns out, anyone near the nitramene blast was exposed to vita-radiation, which is probably still some whereabouts on that person" Dooley said "so we're scanning everyone on Roxxon's staff. There's a chance this is an inside job" Jack said keeping his eyes focused on the file in his hands "yeah, there's a chance I take Rita Hayworth home tonight, but it's unlikely if you catch my drift" Jones said and Pierson smiled " if you got some of stark's guys in your pocket, there's a chance he's got some of your guys in his." Dooley said "And how am I to help?" Pierson said "How comfortable are you with this? You'll be dealing with the ladies" Dooley asked holding out the scanner and handing it to her "I volunteered, but chief said it wouldn't be appropriate"Jack said smirking as he closed the file and looked at Pierson, she smiled when she turned disgust took ever her facial expressions, she walked to the bathroom and bumped into someone this time she looked up immediately "Peggy, just in time" Pierson said as she dragged her into the bathroom "here use this, you know what it is right?" Pierson said handing the scanner to her and then went to check if anyone was in any of the stalls "yeah" she said with confusion plastered on her face"apparently whoever that was in the blast, would still have some trace of radiation on them" Pierson explained as Peggy began scanning herself with the device, it started making some noise when she got to her wrist, she had to take the watch off  "sorry, Nana" she said inhaling deeply and threw the watch into the bin, Pierson scanned herself and she didn't need to take anything off, she was clean...

Jack was scanning a man, while Peggy and Pierson were just standing there waiting "you're clear" Jack said getting back up and passing Pierson the device, she began scanning the woman in front of her up and down "clear, thank you" Pierson said "next" Jack said and a man stepped forward, Pierson and Peggy instantly recognised him "Joanna?" Jack said and he snapped his fingers "Joanna?!" He said again, she turned her head to look at Jack and passed him the device, Jack began scanning the man "you're clear" Jack said "wait. Uh, hold on a moment, sir" Peggy said "excuse me, sir?" Peggy called out again and he stopped "Mr. Jones, I notice these men are wearing company-issued uniforms" Peggy said "Do they change their clothes onsite?" Peggy asked "well, we have a locker room for all the technicians who handle hazardous materials" Jones said "what's your point, Carter?" Dooley asked "well, low-level vita-radiation would barely saturate the top layer of a person's skin. A hot shower would wash it straight out, but clothing would remain tainted for longer. Trouser, shoes, even a wristwatch, I suggest we check the clothes the men wore to work this morning" Peggy said "Not a bad idea. We can-"
Dooley said before getting cut off by the guy running off and everyone started yelling then Jack ran after him "where does that lead?" Pierson asked Jones "Down to the front lobby" Jones said "stairwell?" She asked again and he pointed to his left and she began walking to where he pointed, she walked down the stairs "May I?" Pierson asked a random man before talking his briefcase and she carried on walking down another flight of stairs. When she saw the two running she stepped in front and swung the briefcase at his legs causing him to trip and fall onto the floor as Jack skidded on his knees and turned him onto his stomach to handcuff him as Dooley ran to them looking very tired "can I be of any further assistance?" Pierson asked and they both looked at her impressed.

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