20 apologies

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Y/n: fine come in.

Laroi. Thank you

We sat down in the lounge and started talking

Y/n: are you gonna explain or just sit there like a rock.

Laroi: oh yeah sorry I just didn't know where to start. Um firstly Kat, I blocked her on all my socials. I kicked her out of my house. You can read my messages. They literally said that I have a girl so you can't be saying that but she carried on. I promise you it wasn't my fault.

Y/n: i fucking hate you right now

Laroi:I hate myself too. Last time I was drunk and this time I just bloody messed up. I can't do anything right. I'm cursed when it comes to love. Now I'm single and about to lose the best thing in my life.

Y/n: you did one thing right. You managed to get me as your girlfriend.

I said while laughing.

Laroin: im glad your laughing but you broke up with me so why does it matter anymore.

Y/n: okay but even though you fucked up once again you still tried to win me back. You blocked her like I asked you too and I still love you Charlie.

Laroi: does this mean you'll take me back?

Y/n: no charlton.

Laroi: fuck ,what have I done to myself.

Y/n: sorry, I think you need to take time to be sure of what you want. I don't wanna get hurt again. Mentally or physically. I wanna work on myself so maybe we can get back together in the future. I still love you laroi. I'm sorry.

Laroi: it's okay I get it. But I know exactly what I want and that's to get back with you, but if you need to take time to think about it let me know when your done, and I'll run back to you.

Y/n: laroi...

Laroi: bye y/n.

Laroi walked out and shut the door. Had I really just lost my best friend because of my jealousy. What have I done.

After a few minutes of sitting there I realised what I had done. I wanted to get up and run after him again but I couldn't get up. I don't know maybe he would think I was playing with him.

Around ten minute passed and I fully regretted everything. All the mad fights, breakups, makeups and dates can't end because of my jealousy. I ran outside to go get into my car when I realised laroi was on the drive. I saw him pull away so he must have come back.

I stared at his yellow lambo for a minute before I saw the door open. I slowly started walking up to him but when I saw him get out of his car I sprinted over and hugged him tighter than ever. I put my arms round his neck and buried my head in his chest, while he picked me up and put his arms round me to hold me up. He looked so confused but eventually his expression softened and he put me down and hugged me back.

Laroi: I'm sorry y/n.

Y/n: it's okay. I'm sorry too.

Laroi: I never meant to hurt you.

Y/n: i let my jealousy get the better of me I'm sorry charlton.

Laroi: so. Do you wanna get back together? It doesn't have to be now it can be any time? I miss you baby.

I stopped him talking by giving him a kiss on the lips. He cupped my face and kissed me back.

Laroi: so I take it it's a yes for right now?

I nodded in response, and he hugged me again.

Laroi: HELL YEAH! We're back! I'm back together with my favourite person ever! Yes!

I started laughing at him, he was really cute when he was excited.

We went inside and started talking about our next date. We had been talking about it previously so we just acted like nothing ever happened between us. My dream was to go camping on the beach so I think that is what we're doing!

Still chose you- The kid LAROIWhere stories live. Discover now