15. Films.

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I was sat on the sofa in the evening, with my crutches next to me when laroi came in.

Laroi: we're gonna watch a film right?

Y/n: yeah, for sure.

Laroi: what you wanna watch?

Y/n: I don't know, a romance?

Laroi: god you and your romances.

He playfully hit my leg which made me wince in pain as it was near where I had the surgery.

Y/n: ow.

Laroi: I'm so sorry y/n I keep fucking up this week.

Y/n: i mean even though you keep messing up this week, you have been doing it because you want to help me.

Laroi: apart from when I literally threw a bottle of alcohol at maxs head.

Y/n: it's fine, he didn't get hurt. You've helped me so much recently you will never know.

Laroi: really? But you got hurt.

Y/n: yeah like at the theme park where that guy was staring at my ass. And I said I forgive you.

Laroi: oh yeah? What did he even say.

Y/n: well yeah I was feeling really uncomfortable and you rescued me from the situation in a way. I know I said I could have handled it myself but that was because I was kind of embarrassed. Oh yeah he said wassup shawty you looking fine as hell today, you wanna come back to my house and "chill" then he went to grab my hand but I pushed it away.

Laroi: oh my god I didn't really realise I did that. Also what a creep I'm so glad I got back to you before he could put his hands on you. And he definitely didn't want to just chill did he, he wanted to..

Y/n: have sex yeh probably.

Laroi: what a creep your literally 17, a fucking minor. That's disgusting. I mean your 18 soon though right?

Y/n: yeah the week after you turn 18. Why?

Laroi: no reason. I swear to god if anyone touches you thats not me I will slap them.

Y/n: I love you laroi.

Laroi: I love you too. God it's got so dark already. I feel like we've only been home like ten mins.

Y/n: ive been sat on the sofa talking to my friends for like two hours, while you've been running around for me so of course time feels like it's gone quickly for you.

Laroi: good point. Have you been on your phone recently, did you See what happened with the news?

Y/n: no? Can you show me.

Laroi: here

Laroi handed me his phone and I saw a news article.


Y/n: ugh I hate the media they definitely don't know what happened we didn't fight as such.

Laroi:  I'll go on Instagram and tell everyone what really happened.

Y/n: it's fine I don't want you getting into trouble it was a mistake.

Laroi: I won't tell the whole story if you don't want me to.

Still chose you- The kid LAROIDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora