19. You flirt!!

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A few days went by and me and laroi were hanging out. Someone called katarina kept commenting on larois posts and it was making me uncomfortable.

Laroi: bae could you grab my phone and check to see the new comments on my Instagram posts.

Y/n: for sure.

I saw that laroi had loads of Instagram dms, usually he lets me go on there and reply to some so I decided to go on there when I saw @katarinademe had been messaging him.

@katarinademe (@Kat)

Kat: hey laroi ;)

Laroi: do I know you

Kat: yeah we've met before but I think your super hot.

Laroi: Umm thank you I guess.

Kat: you wanna hang out sometime? Your girlfriend doesn't need to know 😉

That's when I got mad but I needed to know how it ended up.

Laroi: no thanks.

Kat: I know where you live I'm going to come see you and your ugly girlfriend in person.

Laroi: my ugly girlfriend?! Don't you dare talk about y/n like that.

I ran up to laroi to confront him about the messages.

Y/n: laroi what the actual fuck is wrong with you?

Laroi: baby calm down, what's wrong?

Y/n: explain this you idiot. Why is this girl flirting with you?! And why didn't you block her!

Laroi: look I don't like blocking people but if it bothers you I will. I stuck up for you when she called you ugly?

Y/n: what bothers me is that you didn't at least tell her you had a girlfriend after calling you hot. I thought you were cool laroi. Now I see your a piece of shit.

I ran into my bedroom crying when laroi followed. I heard Auz follow laroi.

Auz: Roy give her some space man, she will talk to you later.

Laroi: no auz I need to speak to her. I can't lose her like this. Let me see her.

Auz: no laroi, stay out here for a bit, I'll go talk to her.

That's when auz came through the door

Auz: y/n? Are you ok?

Y/n: yeh just annoyed at charlton but I'm okay.

I said while wiping the tears away.

Auz: laroi feels really bad. He didn't know it would upset you this much.

Y/n: he should have, a supermodel flirting with my boyfriend. Of course I'm gonna be worried because I'm not a model or anything I'm just a normal girl. I have nothing over her.

Auz: but you know Roy likes you for you right? He likes that your not famous. I shouldn't tell you this because he said not to say anything but he says he's glad your not famous because if you were really famous, and earned tonnes of money then he wouldn't be able to spoil you with nice things. He wants to make you feel like a princess. He really loves you y/n. Please speak to him.

Y/n: I suppose so. I'll go speak to him.

I went out to talk to laroi in the lounge and we just sat in silence facing each other until I decided to hug him.

Y/n: I'm sorry for that, I guess I'm jealous cause she's like a super hot model and I'm just a normal girl.

Laroi: yeah but I love you. Your perfect to...

The doorbell went.

Y/n: I'll get it.

I walked to the door and who did I see? Katarina standing there.

Kat: oh your larois ugly girlfriend, im here to see laroi?

Y/n: get the hell away from our house.

Kat: he said it was okay?


Laroi ran over and hugged me from behind.

Y/n: you have someone here to see you. And it's not me. How could you Roy?! We're done. Don't talk to me. I don't wanna see you again. Tell auz I say goodbye. I'll miss him.

I stormed out of our house and got in my car when my eyes started streaming out.

Why did I have to be so jealous? Why do we keep messing things up.

I drove as far away as I could. My heart was broken.


She walked out on me. Shit what do I do. I just watched her eyes start streaming as she drove away. So many questions went through my mind. Fuck I just lost the best things that's ever happened to me. The most loyal, caring, beautiful girl is gone and it's all my fault.

Auz: so what happened. Kat what are you doing here.

Kat: I'm here to see laroi.

Auz: I'm not the owner of this house but I know for sure he doesn't want you here. Get. Out

Kat: Roy baby is that true?

Laroi: get the fuck OUT OF MY HOUSE.

An hour went past once Kat had left and auz was trying to make me feel better so I decided to text y/n.


Baby please come back let me explain everything!
Please baby I can't lose you.
Just give me five mins.


Y/ns pov:
As I read those messages, tears came flooding my eyes once again. I still loved laroi. I just couldn't let him treat me like that.

A few days passed and I was only speaking to my mum and auz. Even though auz was younger he was so mature and helpful.

I was chilling in my mums house (she was out) when I heard a knock at the door.
I went to answer it and gasped.

Y/n: laroi what do you want. I told you we're over.

Laroi: let me explain please! I can't do this without you. I don't want to live without you please.

Y/n: fine. Come in


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