10. The feelings mutual

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Y/n pov

Laroi: I lovee you

Y/n: huh?

Laroi: you know I said I liked someone... well it's you.

Y/n: oh my god um I don't know what to say.

Laroi: it's okay, really, even if you don't love me back, I wanted to tell you. I didn't realise how much I'd hurt you but I want to make it right now. Hug?

Laroi pulled me into a hug while I thought about what he had just said. I didn't know wether I liked him anymore.

The next day:

Laroi: y/n, I've got to go see lil Tecca on his yacht, we gonna shoot some stuff. You wanna come?

Y/n: sure.

Laroi: okay, grab your swim suit then.

I pack a bag and walk down to larois front door. We said goodbye to our families as we were all staying at teccas yacht for the day, and then laroi grabbed my hand and we walked to the car.

We drove all the way there and we said hi to Tecca.

Tecca: Laroi! This must be y/n?

Y/n; yeah it's me! Nice to meet you Tecca.

Tecca: nice to meet you too. We should only be an hour laroi so y/n you wanna just wait on the deck cause we're shouting in the chill room.

Y/n: yeah that's fine, I'll go sit at the edge.

Laroi: be careful bae.

Laroi and tecca starred shooting and I posted a picture of the yacht on my Instagram story. Shit. Louisa saw it.

I didn't think much of it but almost an hour later I was stood at the side waiting for the boys to finish when I hear a female calling my name.

Louisa: looks like we have some unfinished business.

Y/n; what do you mean Louisa. Leave me alone.

Louisa: fine. I'll go but it's not the last you've heard of me.

I waved Louisa off and turned back around, watching the swans next to the yacht, I swear she thinks her whole life is a movie, like what the hell " this isn't the last you've seen of me". (This was a small yacht, just bigger than a house boat). Just as I was about to sit down, I got pushed into the water. I'm guessing it was Louisa, she hates me after all.

I screamed as I fell down and hit the water, soaking my clothes. Laroi and Tecca came running out.

Laroi: omg y/n what happened.

Laroi took his shirt off and jumped in and swam over to me.

Laroi: y/n are you ok?!

As I wasn't ready to jump into the sea, I didn't take a breath and therefore water got in my throat.

Laroi grabbed my hand and helped me swim to the edge of the boat so I could grab on.

Laroi: climb up the ladder y/n, I'll follow you.

When we got out of the water, laroi picked me up and carried me to the sun beds and got me a towel while I was still coughing.

Laroi: bae are you ok? What happened please tell me.

Y/n: Louisa... she pushed me in and I wasn't ready for it.

Laroi: that bitch. I hate her so much. You okay now though?

Y/n: yeah thanks to you.

Laroi: anything for my favourite person.

Y/n: did you guys finish the song?

Laroi: yeah actually we were listening to the final bit when we heard you scream.

Y/n: my bad...

Laroi: don't apologise, just glad your ok.

Y/n: you just keep saving me this week huh.

Laroi: don't mention it.

After like two minutes of being sat there I finally spoke up.

Y/n: I love you.

Laroi: I love you too- wait seriously?

Y/n: yeah.

Laroi: oh god um, you wanna go back in the water real quick for a swim? With your swim suit on of course not your normal clothes, even though they're soaked anyways.

Y/n: sure, lemme just put my swim suit on.

I go and remove my smudged makeup and put my swim suit on and I come back and lay on the sun bed next to charlton. Tecca joined us after.

Laroi got up and sat on the edge.

Laroi: join me.

I did as he said.

Laroi: um so y/n, I don't know how to say this but, ever since we were like 4, we have always been best friends and I hope that never changes. Your the best , most inspiring person I have ever met and I am yet to meet someone more beautiful than you. I love you y/n. Umm. Will you be my girlfriend?

Y/n: that was so sweet oh my gosh. Yes of course.

We both stood up and he rested his head on my shoulders, and then pulled me into a hug.

Laroi: ready this time?

Y/n: for what?

While hugging me, laroi jumped into the sea and didn't let go, meaning I got dragged in with him. He didn't break the hug, and pulled me into a kiss in the water.

I really do love laroi, I've known for ages.

Tecca jumps in with us, and we started splashing each other.

Tecca: wow I really am a third wheel now huh.

Laroi: yeah I suppose.

Tecca: I'm glad you two finally got together, I knew it was gonna happen after what happened with Louisa.

Laroi: yeah I was so stupid with her I regret every second, I hurt y/n more than i know and I will never forgive myself.

Y/n: laroi it's fine, honestly, you were in love at the time and when your in love you make stupid decisions.

Laroi: I know it's just not the way I would have wanted to treat you.

Y/n: it's okay laroi, I forgive you.


AH y/n and laroi are finally together in chapter ten! There's so much more to come so I hope your enjoying it! There's so much drama coming soon and I'm so excited for you to read it. 🙃

Let me know if you want me to change/ add anything to make it better.

Also I've updated like four times today and I'm supposed to be studying lmao so hope you guys like this.

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