» Chapter 13 «

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C H A P T E R 1 3

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C H A P T E R 1 3

A few weeks had passed since Chifuyu had befriended Baji and joined the gang as his second in command for the first division. Ever since the first day the two boys had met, they had been glued to the hip, always spending their time together, either chilling at one of their houses or walking around the city simply hanging out or messing around with people from rival gangs, much to your chagrin.

Honestly, the times you had spent healing both of them after those little meet ups would make Chikao have your head had he known.

What do you mean you're wasting your powers on another insignificant creature? You shivered thinking about how this would be something that pesky Messenger would definitely say.

Of course, the first time Baji caught you healing Chifuyu's bruises he looked at you funny. You weren't surprised though, because after finding out that using your healing powers left you feeling tired, Baji spent a long time trying to convince you to never use them on him again.

Key word, trying.

After some time, he gave up on trying to stop you, but that didn't mean that he didn't look at you with a scowl on his face every time you healed him, and after that he would make an extra effort to behave and not get into any fight. He thought that he was slick about it and that you wouldn't caught his master plan, but you did.

You actually found that it was cute how much he cared for your well-being, you even told him that, which made the boy red on the ears and scream at you incoherently, successfully making you fall on the ground from laughing too much at the unusual behaviour from the usual cool teen.

That was the reason of why you thought that he gave you funny looks every time you healed his friend. What you didn't know was that wasn't the case.

Sure, he didn't necessarily enjoy seeing you all spent out from using your powers, but he also knew that you have been doing this for years (more than the ones he had been alive) and knew your own limits, and so he learned to respect your decisions.

The real reason Baji would look at you like that was because the more time you spent around Chifuyu, the more you doted on him.

He didn't understand it!

Hell, there was one time when he caught you turning into Aiko to sneak into his house just to play with him. And don't get him started on when Chifuyu hangs out at his place, because every single time you will be in your cat form just to cuddle with the blond.

It would have happened right now too, had they now been in a supermarket buying some snacks.

"If you look hard enough, maybe he will finally notice you, you creep." He mumbled at you, while browsing through one of the shelves, looking for some chips.

Confused, you stopped looking at the green onion flavoured chips in front of you and faced Baji. "I'm not even looking at him, Baji-san."

"Sure, just 'cuz he's not in the same aisle as us." After one look at your puzzled face Baji continued. "Don't look at me like that. You always look at him like some puppy in love."

"No, I don't?" You answer him in a questioning tone, even more lost than you were before.

"You don't look too sure of yourself."

"I'm afraid I'm lost. Where did this come from, Baji-san?"

"Just sayin'. You're always all over him. Hell, you spend more time at his place to cuddle, than at mine. That, by the way, is where you live." That was a lie, sure, but he couldn't reveal the real reason behind his behaviour. Even if he himself wasn't sure of why he was asking you these things and feeling bothered with this.

"Don't be dramatic, Baji-san. That only happened once, okay maybe more, don't look at me like that. But it's not like I like-like him, he's not even my type. Why are you—... Oh."

"What? Why are you smiling like a creep?" Baji frowns, suddenly feeling like he shouldn't have opened his mouth in the first place.

"Rude." Dismissing his words, you carry on, not being able to fight the Cheshire grin from growing on your face. "I see what's happening."

"Oh, yeah? Care to elaborate?" Crossing his arms across his chest, Baji looks at you directly in the eye.

"Are you jealous Baji-san?" You lean forward, slightly invading his personal space. "If you wanted me to cuddle with you, you could have just asked. You're still my favourite, you know that, right?"

"What the fuck?!" He yells, getting a scandalising look from an old lady that was passing by with her grandkids. "Don't go around saying strange shit like that!"

"It's not strange, it's the truth, you're my favourite, Baji-san!" You can't help but keep on teasing the boy, loving every reaction.

Narrowing his eyes at your obvious amusement, Baji reached out towards your face squeezing your cheeks, making you look like a fish.

"Let go! Let go!" Whining, you start hitting Baji's arms in a way to make him stop.

"I think I liked you best when you were all shy." He grumbles, applying more force on your cheeks (but always making sure that he wasn't seriously hurting you).

Before you can answer him, Chifuyu enters the aisle you were in and seeing the scene in front of him, a confused look crosses his face.

"Baji-san? Everything's alright? I heard you screaming from the other side of the store" Looking at his friend's position, the blonde titles his head to the side. "Why are you holding your hands like that?"

Realizing how stupid he must look in his friend's eyes, Baji removes his hands from your face (making you stick out your tongue in response) and shoves them into his uniform's pockets before turning towards him. "'S nothing, just an annoying fly. Let's go pay for our stuff."

"How mean." You whine, walking after the boys.

However, a sudden thought comes to your mind, and you call Baji out. "Don't worry Baji-san, when we get home I'll cuddle with you, that's a promise!"

If anyone besides the teenager could see you, they would surely be hearing your laugh echoing throughout the store walls after seeing Baji trip on his own feet on the way to the cashier.



It was now night-time and both Baji and Chifuyu had already ate their dinner, setting some of the food aside so that Miyo could have some when she got home from her shift.

Having just finished cleaning the kitchen, both boys made their way towards the living room so that they could watch the movie they had bought earlier that day. Sitting on his usual seat on the couch, Baji grabbed the remote and started the movie, but halfway through it he heard the sound of a door opening, making him look behind him to see (name) as Aiko leaving his room and walking towards him.

Baji looked at his companion in confusion when he noted that she was walking directly towards him while making eye contact, completely ignoring Chifuyu (a first, really – but the boy didn't even notice, being so immersed into the movie).

When she was sitting by his feet, Baji felt his blood run cold when he remembered the girl's words from earlier.

She wouldn't dare, would she?

But true to her word, (name) jumped from the floor into Baji's lap, making the boy yelp in surprise and freeze with his hands in the air refusing to touch the cat, and looked at him, as if daring him to shoo her away.

After a few seconds of staring at each other, (name) moved a bit before finding a comfortable position and curling up on his lap to nap.

"You little shit of a cat" Baji mumbled, with no real spite in his voice, before lowering his hands and petting her, making her purr in satisfaction.

Baji would never admit it out loud, but he was happy. 

Angel | Baji Keisuke x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang