» Chapter 10 «

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C H A P T E R 1 0

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C H A P T E R 1 0

So much has happened in the last few hours, in between your talk with Baji, his talk with his mother and his request for you to go back home, that you didn't even feel the familiar tingle in the back of your head for when Tae sought you out. Now that she was in front of you though, you recognized all the signs that your body gave you for her arrival.

"Tae?" You asked, mildly surprised with her visit, but given what had happened and what the three of you have been through it was only a matter of time for her to show up.

"Hey... can we talk?" By her demeanour, head turned to the side and hand behind her neck, you could tell that she was nervous.

"Of course, I'll be with you in a few seconds, okay?" Once you saw her nod, you turned to Baji, only to see that he looked both confused and scared.

"Baji-san? Are you okay?" Concerned, you moved in front of the boy and looked at him for any sign of discomfort or any injury. Not finding anything, you turned to look at his face, which was sightly paler than usual, and finally connected the dots.

Is he scared of Tae?

"What is she doing here?" He snarled, trying to look for the Reaper, but to no avail, since he couldn't see her standing just a few meters away from him (and with a guilty look on her face at his reaction to her).

"I'm sure it's nothing bad, she's just here to talk, Baji-san." You tried to calm the teen down, but by his posture you could see that he was anything but calm with her presence.

"She's not the bad guy, Baji-san, just trust me, please." You pleaded, and it seemed that had done the trick, for as soon as those words left you mouth, Baji didn't seem as agitated as he was earlier, before tsking and laying down on the bench behind him and closing his eyes.

"Whatever." He mumbled. Sighing, you threw the boy one last look before walking towards Tae.

"Sorry, it's just..." You tried to apologise, but realised you couldn't finish your sentence, for you didn't even know what you were apologising for.

"It's okay, I get it. Bet he doesn't want to see me, even if I were covered in gold..."

"Good thing he can't see you, then" You tried to joke, but at her depressed sigh, you realised that she was even more bothered with what had happened than you originally thought.

"Come here." You coached her gently, taking her hand in yours and going with her to the end of the hallway before sitting on the ground, with your back to the wall (not before making sure that from where you were you could still see Baji; well, more like his shoes, since he was laying down and you couldn't see more than that).

"You know that there was nothing you could have done to prevent what happened, Tae. You were just doing your job; you couldn't have guessed that he would be there."

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