» Chapter 11 «

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C H A P T E R 1 1

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C H A P T E R 1 1

It was funny, Tae thought, how for days, weeks and months one can't find what they are looking for, but the moment they talk with someone, it seems like the universe thinks you have suffered enough and finally smiles at you and guides you towards what you need.

It all started with the letter she had gotten when she was talking with (name) a few minutes ago.

Fujioka Kazuo (83), heart attack,

Tokyo Metropolitan Central Library

As usual, as soon as she got the letter with the person she had to guide to the afterlife, she left only to appear on the desired location, with only a few minutes to spare before said person lost their life and she had to reap their souls with the aid of the Reapers' Incantation.

In that regard, this case wasn't different from the ones she had before, what was different though, was the book the older man was reading before dying. On any other occasion, Tae wouldn't even take notice of the letters decorating the pages of the book, but on that day, something in her made her scan the pages and do a double take on the title.

The Whispers between our Souls: when Humans and Angels meet

A book by Florencia Dolores.

At first glance, the book seemed to be a simple fantasy book, however, upon closer inspection, Tae could see that was not the case, for a look around the place the old man died revealed that he was in the paranormal section of the library, so there was a chance that this was not a work of fiction, but a book made out of testimonies of people that have met Angels.

Or in another words; she had most likely found some clues regarding (name)'s situation with Baji.

Taking a mental note of the name of the book, Tae finished her job before making her way towards the HQ's library, hoping to find a copy of the book on the Humans' Books section.

As soon as she stepped inside the library, one look at whom was sitting behind the big and lovely mahogany desk that was placed a few steps away from the entrance, made Tae smile like a fool.

Today the universe decided it was my day, huh?

With a light skip in her steps and a slight movement to fix her hair Tae stops in front of the desk and sings a name. "Suzie~ How's my favourite Messenger doing?".

Startled by the new (and loud) voice, Suzie looks up from the papers she was organizing with a scowl on her face and a few curse words on the tip of her tongue when her eyes look up to a familiar face.

"Tae! You need to be quiet, we're in a library" she lightly scolds, but with no malice behind her words.

"Sorry, sorry. The thing is, I'm having an amazing day, and seeing you just made it a thousand times better." Tae giggles, placing her hands on the desk and inching forward so that her face is closer to Suzie's.

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