» Chapter 2 «

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C H A P T E R 2

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C H A P T E R 2

Baji Keisuke, age 5

If there was one thing Miyu remembers from the days after her precious son's birth, was how when she was discharged from the hospital, there was a kitten sleeping at her apartment door, as if waiting for her return.

At first, she was confused, after all, she didn't have any cats, so where did the cat come from?

Was it one of the neighbour's cats? Was it abandoned? Did it get separated from its mother and siblings?

However, as late, and tired as she was, and with a new-born sleeping in her arms, Miyu didn't have any strengths to go around ask about this mysterious creature, and so, she did the only thing she could think of at that moment – she picked the cat up, all the while trying not to wake up her son and took it home with her.

The next day she asked around if anyone had lost a kitten, and as the days passed and she didn't find anyone to stay with it, nor its family, she decided to adopt it, after all, it looked like the kitten had taken a liking to Keisuke, since it never left his side.

It even slept in the crib with him, as if protecting him!

A few days later, she discovered the kitten was a she, and since she was such a lovely and small cat, she named her Aiko, little love.

Okay, maybe not the most original name, but at least it wasn't Cat, like the one from apartment 3C.

Smiling at the memory, Miyu can't help but look around for the mentioned animal, and lo and behold, there she is, playing with little Keisuke. Not resisting the cute interaction, Miyu starts searching for her Polaroid, all the while cooing at the two.


Baji Keisuke, last year of middle school

Baji huffed as he looked out of his classroom's window.

Another day, another detention.

His teachers were always nagging him about how if he didn't start putting more effort in his schoolwork, sooner or later, he would have to repeat a year. Didn't they understand that he had better stuff to do then to do homework and to study?

Sure, he wasn't one of the best students around and sure, he did the bare minimum to pass all his classes, but thinking back to his teacher's words, he couldn't bear the look of disappointment of his mother if he were to ever have to repeat a school year. Hell, even his cat looked disappointed every time he got home with a bad grade or a detention report, imagine if he failed his classes, Aiko would certainly scratch him!

Frustrated with his line of thoughts, Baji got up from him desk and walked up to the window. Opening it, the boy sat in the windowsill and looked down at the courtyard.

There were still some students in the campus, mainly the one with club activities or some poor soul on detention (like him), but there was one student in particular that caught Baji's attention. A girl, maybe a year younger than him, that was crouching down beside the garden and looking at what looked like a sunflower.

For the last few months, he has seen this girl around his school and neighbourhood a lot of times, but never once has he heard anyone say her name or interact with her, and the only interactions she had were with animals or plants.

What was the word his mother used for people like this? A wallflower?

No, that couldn't be it, because not only did people not interact with her, but they also didn't recognise her mere presence, like she didn't exist at all.

Was she even real or was he imagining her?

I mean, the only person she seemed to show any kind of interest in was him. Not that Baji thought that she had a crush on him or anything, because every time she looked at him was as if she was merely checking up on him and to see if he was okay.

Which was a little bit weird, if he was honest, after all, he didn't know her, so what was her deal?

As if sensing he was thinking about and looking at her, the girl looked up from her position and looked in his direction, and the moment they made eye contact with each other she looked surprised, as if she either wasn't expecting him to look in her direction or he wasn't supposed to see her, but then shrugged it off, mumbled something, and looked back to her flower.

A little annoyed with her reaction, and the situation itself, Baji decided enough was enough and decided to go and talk with the girl and see who she really was.

This way he would know if he was imaging her or not, because if he was, well, let's just say that would be bad, really bad.

Taking the stairs two at the time so he could get there faster, Baji used the limited time to think about the best way to approach the girl. He didn't want to scare her away and lose his opportunity to understand what was going on, so screaming and intimidating her was, most likely, a no-no. Should he try and act all nice and... yeah, no, that would never work. Maybe neutral was the way to go.

With that in mind, the young teen left the school building and walked around it so he could reach the girl. However, no longer was she kneeling beside the sunflower, instead, she had stood and was now facing the window he was sat at before with a confused look in her face, as if she was trying to understand why he left so abruptly.

"Oi, looking for me?" If the jump the girl gave was anything to go by, it was safe to assume she wasn't expecting Baji, or anyone really, to appear behind her. Turning around so that she could face him, Baji could swear the girl looked even more confused than before. However, that confusion soon changed in slight fear.

"I ain't goin' to bite you, no need to look so scared" Trying to look more relaxed in front of the girl, as to show her he was no threat, Baji put both of his hands in his pants pockets and took a step back.

Maybe she thought he was too close to her and that made her nervous?

"Look, I'm not lookin' to start a fight or anything, I'm just trying to understand why you're always somewhere that I can see you? No wait, that sounds weird." Taking a deep breath to try and clear his mind, Baji tried once again. Luckily for him, this time the girl answered, just not with what he was hoping for "Just... Who are you?".

"... You can see me?"


A/N: Hii! Hope you're liking the story so far (≧◡≦)

I forgot to mention this before, but English is not my first language, so I apologize if there are any grammar/spelling mistakes. I try to re-read everything that I write before publishing, but I may miss some things...

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