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It was early one morning and Andy and I were lying in bed, when his phone goes off. "Please, for the love of God, answer that." I grumble. I was into my second trimester at this point and while the extreme exhaustion had gone with the ending of the third month, the normal pregnancy exhaustion that came with growing another human being, was still there.

"I'm up. I'm up." He mumbles out, answering the phone. "Barber... Joanna, good morning. What's going on?... Really? When?... That's great!... Yeah, I'll let them know... Thank you so much. Yeah, goodbye." He says before hanging up.

"What's going on?" I ask, now fully awake.

"That was Joanna, Jacob's lawyer. He's been acquitted. Leonard Patz, the original suspect, he confessed to everything."

I hug him. "That's great. They're going to try Patz now, right?"

"No... He wrote his confession in a suicide note to Ben Rifkin's parents..."

"But that's good though, as awful as it sounds. Jacob's free and clear?"

"Yeah. He's free." Andy says a relieved smile on his face. "I need to go over and tell him and Laurie. And finally hand over those papers." He tells me.

"Are you sure?"

"It's time. Jacob likes you and I... I can't be with her anymore. Not after this."

"Ok. Well you go and be there for Jacob and deal with this whole mess, or rather the clean-up of some messes, and I'll be here whenever you're done."

"Thank you, Celeste. For being so patient throughout this whole thing."

"I would wait forever for you Andy. Just please don't make me." I joke.

"Never again." He says, kissing me before jumping up to get dressed and head over to his house.


Later that night, I hear the front door open from my spot in the kitchen. "Hey! How did it go?" I ask before I see Jacob with Andy... and most of their things. "What happened?"

"Umm... Let's just say that Mom wasn't too thrilled about the divorce papers and leave it at that." Jacob says.

"Oh no. Well, Jacob, there's two other rooms upstairs. You can go on up and pick one out." I say, motioning to the stairs.

"Thanks Celeste." He says, before grabbing his bags and lugging them up the stairs. Andy follows me into the kitchen where we wait for the sound of a door shut before I turn to him.

"What the hell happened?" I ask, worriedly.

"Like Jacob said, she didn't react well to the papers. And when Jacob wanted to stay with me... she kind of went off the deep end."

"Should we be worried?"

"No. But just to be safe, I have a security company coming out tomorrow to set up a system. I'm pretty sure Laurie's heading out of town for a bit. But I'd rather be safe than sorry."

I let out a shaky breath. "Maybe you shouldn't have done it..." I say quietly.

"No Celeste. I didn't love her anymore. And contrary to what her actions today might be saying, she wasn't in love with me either. I don't want you stressing about any of this. You're only job right now is this. Go to work, until you go on maternity leave, and focus on growing our baby. The rest will work itself out." He chuckles.

"Ok." I say with a small smile. I can do that much. "Before you go, I had something that I wanted to run by you. With all the stress from the trial, and everything else, I was thinking maybe we could all use a vacation. Maybe Hawaii? I have a friend who runs a resort out there, who's constantly telling me she can get me a great deal on a suite. Maybe you, me and Jacob could do it right after Thanksgiving."

"That sounds amazing. Let me talk it over with him too. But I'm sure he'd be down for it."

"Sounds like a plan." Everything was finally falling into place, as it should be.

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