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I hadn't spoken to Andy in weeks since he dropped the kid bombshell on me and we were almost halfway through summer now. I would see him, either outside his house or around town. I would just walk the other way. I didn't think I was trying to punish him but maybe I was.

It was the weekend right before school was to start and I had turned in early. The library at the college had been keeping me later and later so I had asked for the weekend off from the restaurant to recharge. I turned in early, fully expecting to be able to get the full 8 hours of sleep that was recommended. The fates, however, did not seem to be in agreement with me.

At 2 o'clock in the morning I was awoken by the bass bumping out of a stereo. "What the shit?!" I yell. I move through my house, realizing that it's coming from my backyard. I throw open the back door and see at least 50 high schoolers in and around my pool. "Seriously?! Alright everyone, pack it up before I call the cops." They all scatter but before two of them can run through the hedges into the safety of the house that they came from, I stop them. "Jacob? Really?" I groan out before marching them both around the side of the house and knock on Andy's front door.

I hear fumbling coming from within and soon he's there, opening the door. His plaid pajama pants are hanging dangerously low on his hips. "Celeste, what are you doing here?"

I step aside to reveal Jacob. "I believe this one belongs to you and that this one was staying the night?"

"What happened?"

"I'm not sure which one, but one of these two decided that having a party at my pool at 2 o'clock in the morning was a good idea." The boys hung their heads in shame. "Besides a lot of trash, there isn't any damages, so I won't be calling the cops."

He sighs. "Thank you, for that. Both of the boys will be happy to clean up the mess that they caused in the morning." Neither one of them argued before nodding and heading inside. Once they were out of earshot, Andy turned back to me. "Thank you. Seriously, I have no idea what's gotten into him lately."

"It's no problem." I say before turning to go back to my house.

Andy grabs my hand, keeping me there. "Can we please talk?"

I sigh. "I'm not sure what else there is for me to say. We weren't anything serious. Maybe leaving whatever it was behind was for the best."

"Damn it Celeste! I love you."

I turn to face him, seeing the truth of his words in his eyes. "What?"

"I love you Celeste." He says again, before pulling me into his chest and kissing me soundly.

"I love you too Andy." I whisper before he pulls me back in for another.

*5 Months Later*

"I don't understand why you're mad at me! I had no control over the restaurant getting picked to host your office's Christmas party. I was just told about it today."

"And there's no way you can get out of it." He asks, panicked.

"No! This is how I'm getting my Christmas bonus. Why is it such a big deal? If you have an issue about being around me with your coworkers, take it up with your boss." I say before leaving the coffee shop we had met in.

Two days later, Friday. It was the night of Andy's work's big Christmas party. The restaurant had been closed all day so we could get set up. I was in the back, getting into the mermaid style dress I had picked out. It had a solid nude base with a dark green, lacy, shimmery, overlay. I curl my hair into soft curls and apply a smokey eye.

The guys and I do our circle warm ups before walking through the hallway to backstage. "Doesn't the guy you've been seeing work at the place that's having the party tonight?" Tony asks me as we're getting set up with our earpieces and me with my mic.

"Yeah." I say, rolling my eyes.

"Trouble in paradise?" Miles asks.

"He freaked out that I was going to be here tonight. I don't know, I think he's ashamed that he's seeing a singer/librarian while he's a hot shot ADA." I say as we go to take the stage.

"Or, there might have been another reason for his freak out all together." Tony says slowly, looking towards the entrance. I follow his line of sight and see that Andy has just walked in with a woman I have never seen before. She's handing on his arm like she's supposed to be there and in the twinkling of the Christmas lights that were hung around the venue today, I can see exactly why she's acting like that. The sparkling solitaire diamond on that all too important finger, accompanied by a matching band told me more than Andy had bothered to in months.

I watch as they take their seats and the lights on the stage come up, bathing me and the guys in shades of red and green, adding to the holiday ambiance. "Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays," I gently say into the mic to welcome everyone.

Bells will be ringing the glad, glad news
Oh, what a Christmas to have the blues
My baby's gone, I have no friends
to wish me greetings once again

Choirs will be singing, Silent Night
Those Christmas carols by candlelight
Please come home for Christmas
Please come home for Christmas
If not for Christmas, by New Year's night

Friends and relations send salutations
Just as sure as the stars shine above
Babe, this is Christmas, Christmas my dear
That time of year to be with the one that you love

Then won't you tell me, you'll never more roam
Christmas and New Year will find you a home
There'll be no more sorrow, no grief or pain
'Cause I'll be happy that it's Christmas once again

Then won't you tell me, you'll never more roam
Christmas and New Year will find you a home
There'll be no more sorrow, no grief or pain
'Cause I'll be happy that it's Christmas once again

I try to stop the tears that are threatening to fall, right under the surface, as I look out among the crowd. I catch his eye and one single tear slips through my resolve. Determined not to let him see me cry, I plaster my best stage smile on and grin through it. Christmas could suck it!

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