Enemies To Friends

Start from the beginning

They kept sending her down looks. Although, she didn't feel sad at all. She kept scoring. Her h/c hair was flipping as air played with it. It was all in slow motion yet again.

"9 scores for one of the boys while the other scored 7, but, as for y/n, she scored 13!" Hermione chimed. y/n turned to me with a grin still on her broom. "I told you". She mocked. She was on her way to land as her broom decided to betray her and she fell on me.

"sorry Harry" she said with a laugh. "oh well" she grinned again as I embraced her. Later, the twins came by to talk to us.

"slytherins are so done for-". Fred started with a grin.

"-with y/n on our team!" George chimed as he finished. y/n laughed and walked away.

"yes, indeed. Indeed they are" I replied as she walked off.


After classes, I had promised Hermione to meet at the library with y/n and Ron to study there. 

"I need a book that talks about transformations" Hermione whined.

"wait I think I remember seeing one before. I'll go grab it" y/n replied before getting up to look for the book.

"I feel bad about her arm, I wonder how she did so well in the tryouts today's morning" Ron whispered. Hermione shrugged.

"she has no stop" I said laughing. Just then I spotted a black suit and blonde hair. Draco, who else could it be?. He was walking the same way y/n did. I excused myself of the table to follow him.

I saw him standing not so far away for y/n while bending at her to get to her eye level.


y/n's pov

I was looking within the pile of books I have seen the book about transformation in earlier. As I heard one call my name. I sighed.

"yes Draco?" I asked coldly turning around to face him with my book in my bands. I'm not in a mood for his sudden fights.

"how is your arm today?"

"ermm, .... good" I wasn't sure if it was really The Draco I was talking to.

"good to hear" He chimed bending over at me to get to my eye level. Yet, few inches away from my face. 

"I want to talk to you. Alone. Meet me in the Great Hall 11 PM sharp." he finished this run his finger on my cheek. I took my book and hit his head. 

"what is it? can't you tell me here?" I exclaimed crossing my arms. He shook his head. "very well." I sighed. He grinned.

I gulped upon his actions. What is he up to. I then spotted Harry watching. This won't mean good. 

"I have to go now, see you" Draco gave me the same grin and left. I stood frozen. I walked back to the table and handed the book over to Hermione. 

"thank you" she beamed.

"anytime" I replied. I didn't look at Harry straight in the eye. Let's just say I avoided eye contact with him. He seemed worried, yet rather annoyed as he kept watching me all the time. 

After classes were over, he asked me to sit down next to him when we arrived at the commen room.

"are you fine?, what did Draco tell you?" Harry demanded at me.

"I..um,.. I was asked if we all were fine about the whole Siruis Black thing"

"why wouldn't he ask us face to face then?"

"I don't know" .... "ah.. Harry? Can you cover up for me?"

"why of course, but what for?"

"I want to go to the great hall. Nothing important really."

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