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10| NYC

Jungwon stood by the door as he held a sleeping Beomsoo in his arms. Next to him was his suitcase.

He opened the door, Jay was about to knock.

They smiled at each other and made their way to Jay's car.

Jungwon buckled Beomsoo in as Jay put the suitcase in the trunk.

The drive to the airport was dark and quiet.

By the time they entered the airport, the sun was rising. Beomsoo was up and holding Jungwon's hand as they went through the process of getting cleared.

It was 6:30AM when they finished checking in. They found a nice diner-like place to have breakfast. Jay had a stack of pancakes. Jungwon and Beomsoo shared waffles and eggs.

When they were done, they sat in the waiting area. Jungwon gave Beomsoo a book to keep him busy.

Jay rested his eyes. That's when Jungwon noticed the dark circles around his husband's eyes. His heart twinged.

Without thinking he let his finger trace the circles, causing Jay to open his eyes.

Jungwon withdrew his touch, clearing his throat.

"What do you have to do when we get there?"

"Nothing, just check in and sleep. But the next day we begin the final proceedings for the deal we've been working on."

"I hope it goes well." Jungwon said softly, looking down and gaining the courage to hold Jay's hand, placing their hands on his lap.

Jay smiled, "I do too."


It was a miracle they stayed (mostly) awake during a fifteen hour flight.

They knew it would be late when they got to New York, so they stayed awake. They were lucky Beomsoo was awake enough to walk himself to the room.

"Papa, can I please sleep now?" Beomsoo clung onto Jungwon.

"Yes, bunny. Let's just change into our pajamas."

"No! I don't want to. I'm sleepy, papa!"

Jungwon was barely able to keep his own eyes open, he didn't have the patience to deal with Beomsoo's defiance.

"I'll help him change. You change and get some rest." Jay rubbed Jungwon's back but also nudged him towards the suitcase.

After a few more minutes of whining and reluctance, Beomsoo was in pajamas and in bed, laying next to Jungwon. Jay was on the other side of Beomsoo.

Jay smiled as he viewed his family. He gave them a quick kiss on their foreheads before falling asleep, his arm around both of them.


End of chapter 10


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Apart || JaywonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora