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1| Excuses

The clock read: 12:30AM

as the front door closed. Jungwon was seated on the couch, waiting for his husband.

"What are you still doing up?" Jay asked, placing his suitcase on the coffee table that was in front of Jungwon.

"I was waiting for you. Beomsoo was waiting too but he fell asleep a little bit ago." Jungwon nodded his head towards the hallway.

Without saying anything else, Jay made his way to their son's room.

The little lamp beside Beomsoo's bed was still on, a usual sign of the child waiting for his dad.

Jay lightly shook Beomsoo, causing him to wake up.


"Hey, buddy. How was your day?" Jay sat on the small bed, pulling his child into his lap.

Beomsoo rubbed his eyes before answering, "School was boring. Oh! I learned how to write my name today. But I don't know if it looked pretty."

Jay was amused at the fact that his son was already bored of school, the poor boy had just started kindergarten.

"I'm sure it looked great. I'd love to see it."

"Papa put it on the fridge! Let's go see it!" Beomsoo tried to jump off of Jay's lap but Jay caught him before he could.

"Woah, little man. I'll go see it right now, but you need to go to bed." Jay got up and tucked Beomsoo back in bed.

"But dad!"

"Nope, you have school tomorrow."

"Fine." It was obvious that Beomsoo was disappointed but he really needed to sleep, otherwise he'd be grumpy in the morning.

Jay left the room, not forgetting to place a kiss on his little one's forehead.

As he made his way towards the refrigerator, Jay removed his tie and blazer, leaving him in a button up shirt. He tossed them onto the kitchen table, finally looking at Beomsoo's handwriting.

It was messy and barely legible, but it was precious.

"He really wanted to see your reaction." Jungwon's irritated voice came from the entrance of the kitchen.

"I figured you wouldn't want him grumpy in the morning."

"You always have an excuse."

"Jungwon, please, not tonight." Jay sighed, turning around to face his lover.

"Fine." Jungwon took a moment before continuing. "I need you to pick him up tomorrow."

"What? Why?"

"I have an appointment with a client tomorrow."

"I have a meeting with the board members."

"This is what I'm talking about! You never have time for him!"

"I've been busy, Jungwon. What do you want from me?"

"I don't even know anymore." Jungwon's eyes started to water, and soon enough, tears were down his face.

"Wonnie..." Jay walked towards the younger, intending to cradle Jungwon's face, but the younger pulled away.

"Don't touch me."

Jungwon composed himself, "Do you realize you only talk to him when you get home? He's always half asleep, he barely remembers your conversations."

"Wonnie, I-"

"Yeah, you're busy. I know. You have been for the past year."

"The promotion helped us out a lot, you know that too."

"But at what cost, Jay? You're never here. Our son wonders why his dad only comes home at night."


"Don't Jay, just don't. And don't worry about tomorrow. I'll be in Beomsoo's room."

Maybe it was wrong for Jungwon to keep Jay from talking, but he was tired of the excuses. He wasn't going to say anything Jungwon hadn't heard before.

Defeated, Jay let him go.

The rest of Jay's night was filled with him finishing up his presentation for the next day.

When he finally went to bed, the clock read: 2:30AM

He peeked into Beomsoo's room, the sight melted his heart. Jungwon laid on the small bed, Beomsoo was practically laying on top of him.

Jay entered the room and kissed Jungwon's cheek before making space on Beomsoo's little couch that was beside the bed. His feet hung off the edge of the couch, his back barely fit the couch as well. Jay usually did this every time Jungwon decided to stay in Beomsoo's room. He would make his bed on the couch long after Jungwon fell asleep and then wake up way before the younger did.

"My loves, I love you." Jay mumbled as sleep overtook him.


End of chapter 1


Kind of edited

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