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9| Late Night Snacks

The constant knocking of the door caused Jungwon to smile.

He swung the front door open. He was greeted by the sight of Beomsoo and Jay.

"Papa!" Beomsoo jumped up and down, his backpack bouncing as he did.

"Beomie!" Jungwon smiled again, bending down to hug his son.

"I missed you, Beomie. Are you feeling better?" Jungwon asked though he already knew the answer.

"I missed you too papa, but Dad was helping me get better, like you were." Beomsoo pulled away and held the hands of both his parents.

"I know, bunny. Hey, why don't you put your stuff in your room and I'll make lunch for us when I'm done talking to dad, okay?"

"Okay! Bye dad!" Beomsoo turned around and hugged Jay before running off to his room.

Jungwon turned back to Jay.

"Thank you."

"Of course." Jay smiled even though he hated the interaction. It was like they were divorced.

Jay cleared his throat, "The company is sending me to the states for a few days. I was hoping that you and Beomsoo would go with me. You don't have to, I just want you both to be there with me."

Jungwon was stunned by the request but he was also happy that Jay wanted them to go along.

"Uh, when would we leave?"

Jay was surprised by the response, "The morning after tomorrow."

"Oh, okay. I'll just have to let Beomsoo's teacher know tomorrow."

"I'll do it. I'll drop him off tomorrow." Jay excitedly said, happy that Jungwon agreed.

"Okay, it's a plan."

"I'll pick you and Beomsoo up at five, the plane boards at eight."

"I'm tired already." Jungwon laughed, "But we'll be ready."

Jay smiled and headed off to his car.


The clock read: 2:45 AM

As Jungwon got out of bed. He made his way to the kitchen, hating what he was headed for.

With resistance he grabbed a spoon and mint chocolate chip ice cream. He stood in the dark kitchen while eating his most despised dessert when suddenly the light turned on.

Sunghoon stood there laughing.

"Hoon! You scared the shit out of me!" Jungwon complained, putting away the ice cream and washing the spoon.

He leaned against the counter as Sunghoon grabbed a water bottle from the fridge.

"So...have you told Jay yet?" Sunghoon caught Jungwon off guard. He was yet to inform him of his pregnancy.


"You've been throwing up the past few mornings, and now you're eating mint choco ice cream. Do I need to say more?" Sunghoon smiled.

"Well...you got me. I'm pregnant. And no, I haven't told him yet." Jungwon placed his hand on his stomach.

"I'm happy for you guys. I hope you name this one after me." Sunghoon joked as he went in for a hug.

"Shut up." Jungwon laughed and hugged back.


End of chapter 9


Kind of edited

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