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8| Little One

"Mom! I'm here!" Jungwon closed the door behind himself.

"Where's my Beomie?" Lin pouted as she walked out of the kitchen and into the living room.

"Nice to see you too mom, and he's with his dad." Jungwon playfully rolled his eyes.

Lin smiled and embraced him, "Oh come on, you know I love you both."

"And 'his dad'? You realize that's your husband, right?"

Jungwon sheepishly smiled. He was yet to inform his mother of his and Jay's current situation.

Lin noticed the look, "Oh dear, let's talk while we eat."

She ushered her son over to the dining room where she had food set up for them.

They plated their food and Jungwon began, "Jay and I...we're separated right now. That's why he's taking care of Beomsoo at the house. Beomsoo and I have been staying with Sunghoon."

Jungwon rushed out before shoving food in his mouth.

Lin took time to process the new information. She reached over to Jungwon's hand and squeezed.

"And how are you feeling about all of this?"

Jungwon took a deep breath. His mother was the first one to ask him that. Even Sunghoon hadn't brought it up.

"I miss him. I miss us, our family."

"Do you want it to work out?" Lin continued to caress her son's hand, hoping to comfort him.

"Of course I do. I just...I couldn't take being let down anymore."

"I understand, sweetie, I do. I also know that if you both want it to work out, then it will. And if things don't work out...you always have the other brother." Lin jokingly stated the last part.

"Mom!" Jungwon scolded his mother.

"What?" She laughed.

"I swear I thought he was going to be the one you were going to marry, and then you came home with his older brother."

"Yes mom, I know. I lived it." Jungwon rolled his eyes, continuing to eat...a lot, which Lin took notice of.

"Jungwon, slow down." Lin laughed, it brought a smile to her face that her son still enjoyed her cooking.

Jungwon smiled, cheeks still filled with food. He finished chewing before talking.

"I'm sorry mom, you'll just have to forgive me....I'm eating for two." Jungwon surprised Lin.

She nearly dropped her drink, "I'm getting another grandchild?!"

Jungwon laughed and nodded.

Lin's smile was bright, excited to hear about the new addition.

"When did you find out?"

"Yesterday. I had a feeling that I just couldn't shake, so I bought a couple of test and they were both positive."

"Have you been to the doctor's yet?"

"I have an appointment later this week."

Lin took her time before asking her next question, "Have you told Jay?"

Jungwon looked down, fidgeting with his fingers.

"I will. I'm just..."

"Taking your time?"

"Yeah." Jungwon sighed out.

"Okay then." Lin smiled again, sitting back in her chair as she sipped her drink.

Jungwon spent the rest of the day with his mother. He helped her around the house even though she was perfectly capable. She was the young age of fifty, double Jungwon's age. Not a gray hair in sight, yet Jungwon treated her like she was fragile old lady.

"Yah! Get out already. I can take care of this house on my own." Lin pushed him towards the door.

"Bye mom." Jungwon turned around to once again embrace his mom.

"Bye, Wonnie."

Lin pulled away and placed her palm on his stomach, "And I can't wait to meet you, little one."


End of chapter 8


Kind of edited

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