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6| Break

"Jungwon." Jay rushed into the house, not noticing the emptiness.

"Jungwon?" Jay searched. He was filled with dread.

He knew he messed up, but he expected to explain himself when he came home.

He didn't have to think too hard to know where his family was.

Fifteen minutes later he was knocking on his brother's door.

"Brother dearest." Sunghoon opened the door, but blocked the view of his living room.

"Let me in."

"Jay-" Sunghoon was going to come up with an excuse but Jungwon nudged him away from the door.

Now, seeing Jungwon sad was heartbreaking to Jay, but seeing him angry was terrifying.

"I'll be with Beomsoo." Sunghoon dismissed himself. Jungwon stepped outside and closed the door.

"Jungwon, I know I messed up but-"

"I don't want to hear it. You promised me, it's his birthday Jay!" Jungwon didn't yell, yet his voice held venom.


"Don't call me that!" Jungwon calmed himself down. "I want you to go in there, wish him a happy birthday, and leave."

"Jungwon, don't be ridiculous. Let's just go home."

"We're not going with you."


"I...I think we should take a break."

"Take a break? From what exactly?" Jay's heart started to pound.

"From us, each other." Jungwon's angry mood simmered down, his heart ached at his own words.

"Jungwon, don't do this."

"What else am I going to do, Jay? Wait around all day? I can't do that anymore. I just...I need to stop expecting things from you, and this is the first step. I'm not going to keep you from visiting Beomsoo, but that's it. I need to take a step back from you."

"Please don't do this." Jay tried to reason with Jungwon, but he could tell by the look in his eyes that Jungwon had his mind set on separating.

The younger took a step towards Jay, cupping his face and wiping his tears away. Jay held one of Jungwon's wrists.

"Jay, I love you. We just need some time away from each other. I want us to stay together, but this is what we need right now." Jungwon's eyes watered but he smiled through the pain. He took a step back and wiped his own tears before they could fall.

No more words were needed, Jungwon entered the house, leaving the door open for Jay.

Slowly, Jay walked towards the room Sunghoon set up for Beomsoo.

Sunghoon exited the room as Jay was about to enter. Neither one looked at the other.

"Dad!" Beomsoo rushed towards his dad.

"Hey, buddy. Happy birthday, I'm sorry I'm so late." Jay smiled, putting on a brave face for his son while he hugged him.

"It's okay. I'm okay now." Beomsoo pulled away and smiled wide, hopefully to show that all traces of his sadness were gone.

"I love you, Beomie."

"I love you too."

Beomsoo pondered a bit before speaking his mind, "I was mad at you earlier. I had so much fun, and I couldn't tell you about it. Papa was mad too, but now...I think he's just sad."

Beomsoo looked down, a small frown on his face.

"Hey, hey. You don't worry, okay? Everything's fine."


"Yes, now, let's get you in bed. You have school tomorrow."


Beomsoo allowed himself to be tucked in by Jay.

Jay walked to the living room, announcing that he was leaving and that he had put Beomsoo to bed.

Sunghoon followed him out.


"Sunghoon, just don't." Jay slammed his car door before leaving.


End of chapter 6


Kind of edited

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