Chapter 15

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A/n: Drama Ahead!

Alena POV

I wake up with a smile on my face as I open my eyes. I'm laying on top of Sincere so I carefully slide off. He doesn't like sleeping without me, his clingy ass.

I go into the bathroom and do my morning routine. Then I get dressed and my stomach growls. I decide to cook myself breakfast while Sincere is still sleeping.

After breakfast, I peek into the bedroom to see Sincere stretched out across the bed and snoring. See, he should've never asked for that last round at 3 am. It's 12 pm and I'm bored so I decide to go into town to shop. I leave Sincere a note and then leave the house.

*In Town

I'm looking at some cute jewelry when a man steps toward me..

"Hello, Mama.

I look up at the man with a raspy voice and a smirk.

"Do I know you?

"Not yet.

I get jabbed with something and everything fades to black.

Sincere POV

I'm finally awake and in the shower. That woman put that pussy on me and I had the best sleep. Shit, I should definitely propose today. That pussy got the power!

Speaking of my girl, I wonder where she is at. Maybe chilling by the pool in that sexy thong bikini that I picked out. Let me calm down.

I finish my shower and now I'm dressed for the day. Let me go look for my wife.

I find food in the microwave and a note. My stomach instantly feels weird. And that's when I saw the body of the cook.


It's getting dark and Alena still hasn't answered her phone. I will call one more time.

"Hello, Alena?

"Your pretty woman is gone.

The raspy voice hangs up

Shit, I think Alena has been kidnapped. I then call the police

Alena POV

I wake up in a dimly lit basement, on a bed that's on the floor.

"Hello? Where am I?

A door opens and in walks a person.

"Hello, Alena. *Avery

"Avery?! You are supposed to be in prison.

"I obviously escaped and now we are reunited. We are going to be so happy. I have big plans for us. So you should behave.

"Never! I have a future with Sincere.

"Well, that ain't happening.

He walks away and closes the door.

It started with me kidnapping Sincere and now I get kidnapped by Avery. FML!

To Be Continued

A/n: What do you think about this chapter?

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