Chapter 28 - the end

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And here we are today, almost 9 years later. EJ and I have gone through so much together. From the first time we met eyes at the lunch tables at East High I knew we would be together. We went on many adventures after that like getting cast as Belle and Gaston, getting 'married' in home ec, going on our first date and then ending up living together, him and his dad moving out, decorating his room, having an amazing summer, receiving a promise ring from him, and then sending him to college. After that, another amazing summer and then going to NYU. Our college years were great. We visited each other every month since we only lived a few hours away from each other. After college he proposed and we got married. Now, we have 2 amazing kids. Claire & Nate. They both have ej's beautiful eyes and my hair. They're on summer break right now, and next year Claire's going into 2nd grade and Nate's going into kindergarten. EJ is a movie producer and I'm an actor. Today, Nini, Ricky, their kids, Gina, and Jack are coming over for dinner. We haven't seen them in months, so it'll be nice.

I heard a knock on the door and opened it with a smile to see my favorite couple from high school - Ricky and Nini - with their kids - Audrey and Wayne. Wayne is 6 months old and adorable. Audrey is 5 and she has Nini's smile.

"AHH, it's been forever!" Nini said with a smile.

Ricky grinned at his wife; he's so in love with her, "great to see you y/n!"

"Hi Auntie y/n!!" Audrey said, giving me a hug. I gushed at the cutie.

"Hey, kiddo! How are you doing?" I asked her.

"I'm good! Mommy and daddy said I can stay the night with Claire!"

Nini sighed, "sorry, y/n. She was crying and she said that's the only way she would stop crying."

I giggled, "that's alright! She can totally stay. Nini, Ricky you guys should stay too!!"

Nini gasped, "oh my gosh, that would be so fun. We haven't had a sleepover since senior year."

I grinned, "please please please stay."

"We can if you want to, Neen." Ricky said.

"Yes! Let's totally stay! And Gina too!!"

I gave Nini another hug, "yayy!!"

"Eej, kids, come here! Aunt Nini and Uncle Ricky are here!" I yelled out to my family.

EJ, Claire, and Nate came upstairs from downstairs where they were playing foosball.

"Ricky!" EJ grinned and gave Ricky a hug. I love their friendship so much.

"Nice to see you, dude." Ricky grinned.

"You too! Let's play foosball."

"If you say so, loser."

"No. Replace the l-o-s-e-r with w-i-n-n-e-r." EJ said. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Bro, you could've said 'no you're going to lose' or something so much simpler than what you said." Ricky laughed.

"But, mine sounded win."

"Okay, okay. Fine, you win that one. But I'm gonna win foosball."

They went downstairs and started yelling through the game. I laughed and Nini, the kids, and I went over to the couches where Beauty and the Beast was playing. Iconic. I'm getting some Deja Vu.

We talked about life and painted our nails for a while as you do in your late 20's. The kids played with their American Girl Dolls *grace stirs up success anyone?* until I heard another knock on the door. Nini and I jumped up and almost knocked over the nail polish onto my leather couches. I know that was a risky move. I closed the bottles and we ran over to the door, and opened it to see Jack and Gina. I gave them both hugs, "OH MY GOSH YOU GUYS ARE SO BEAUTIFUL!!"

They laughed, "you're beautiful!" Gina grinned. "Uh, y/n, why don't you get EJ? And where's Ricky? We want to tell you all something." She continued as they came in, their hands interlocked.

"Sure," I smiled, "eej, Ricky - Gina and Jack are here! Come upstairs!"

They came upstairs as I kissed EJ on the forehead and smiled. We all sat down on the couches.

"Okay, big news." Gina smiled. Jack was grinning as well.

What could the news be?
Is it good news?
Well, obviously it's good news, they're both smiling like idiots.
Not that they're idiots. They're my best friends.
Maybe they're going on vacation.
Or maybe they're getting a dog?

"I am pregnant." Gina smiled.

NO WAY. This is 10x better than a dog!!!!!

I gasped and practically jumped on her with a hug (gently of course). "OH MY GOODNESS I'M SO EXCITED." I looked to my right and laughed as Nini was squeezing Gina and crying. I gave Jack a hug, "congrats, mr. future father." He grinned.

Ricky and EJ gave Jack a hug as well as the kids shouted with joy. Gina's been wanting a kid for forever.


We ordered dinner from Olive Garden and everyone stayed the night. Claire and Audrey stayed downstairs. The guys stayed upstairs. The girls and Wayne (who was in a playpen) stayed in my room. We acted like we were kids in high school still. We played truth or dare (most dares about going upstairs to kiss our husbands), watched Mean Girls, and snuck into the kitchen and got a midnight snack of ice cream. It was an amazing night.

The next morning I gave Gina hugs and kisses.

"I will see you both when that baby pops out of you, G. Jack, text me as soon as it happens. I'll be right there."

"Yeah, me too." Nini smiled.

"Will do." Jack nodded. The guys said bye to each other and Gina and Jack left.

An hour later, Ricky, Nini, Audrey, and Wayne headed out as well. I gave them all hugs. "Love you guys! Come visit soon!!" I said to them both. After everyone had left I crashed on the couch with EJ. The kids were still asleep so we let them rest.

"I love you so much, y/n." EJ smiled and kissed me lips.

"I love you too, eej." I smiled. "You know, I think you've gotten hotter since high school."

"I'm constantly getting hotter." He flexed his muscles. I giggled and punched him softly.

"Oh, don't get a big head, Caswell."

"I already have one, Caswell." He said back to me.

"The other day I saw Nate said 'I'm so cute' in the mirror. I think you passed your ego down to him."

He laughed, "we've got some great kids. Claire looks like a mini version of you. It's adorable."

"You're adorable." I smiled, tapping his nose. "So when are we having our next kid."

"Noooo." EJ said as I laughed, "two is enough." He picked me up bridal-style and swung me gently over his shoulder.

I burst of laughing and punched his back, "put me down, you butt!"

"Never!!!!" EJ laughed, evilly."

After 9 years, I have made the best friends and family. EJ is the most amazing husband I could ever have. And to think, none of this would've happened if I had never been the new girl at East High.

a/n: that's all folks!! I really hope you enjoyed this book :). Thanks for all the comments, votes, and reads! Check out my other hsmtmts books as well, and I might be posting more books soon!!! Let me know what you thought of this book ;))))!

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