Chapter 10 - the next week

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"Is something wrong?" I asked ej as he came back in. I am concerned, usually someone's dad doesn't crash their date.

He put his hand on his neck and grimaced, "my dad and I...we're bankrupt. Our house" he laughed bitterly, "...being foreclosed in a month. Apparently, I'm the only one with money in the family now.

"Oh, ej. I'm so sorry."

He sucked in his breath, "yeah."

"Do me to do anything,"

"Not right now, but I'm going to head home...while we still have it."

"...okay." I kissed him on the cheek. "Be careful, I'll see you at school.

"See you later." EJ responded.

I felt sick to my stomach.


The weekend mood was kind of ruined after that. I explained the situation to my parents, and they felt awful for him. That's quite the way to end a date. A first date for that matter. Ej didn't show up to school for a few days. Miss Jenn almost kicked him out of the show, because he was missing tech week, but with the help of Nini and Ricky, I convinced her not to. It was now Thursday, and ej said he was coming back today, so let's hope so.

That Monday
Ej isn't here. I'm really worried about him. I feel like I should help in some way, I just don't know what to do. I texted him to make sure he was okay.


Hey y/n

how are you guys doing :(

I'm doing okay, my dad is basically falling apart though. He's never lived without money.

i'm sorry :(((
is there anything i can do?

Not right now, thank you darling <3

okay, let me know if there is

eej <3 liked a message

Current: Thursday
Ej was still gone. Even though he said he'd be back.

ej :(

I'm so sorry I'm not there
Tell miss Jenn I'm so sorry
We're just sorting out things with the bank

okay i'll tell her


can i help you pack tonight
it's the least i can do

Yes, I would love to see you and I would love the help <333

see you tonight love bug

See you tonight my darling dove

Current: Thursday
I walked into school that day feeling good. I was going to see ej, and tell him my plan. After helping him on Wednesday, my parents and I decided we needed to help him and his dad. It's the least we can do. Plus, it's only two more people. How hard could it be?

"EJ!!" I said running to hug him.

"Hey y/n!" He said, kissing the top of my head.

"I missed you, even though I saw you last night."

He smiled, "I missed you too. Oh, so what was this big plan you wanted to tell me about?"


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