Chapter 12 - tech week and a new guest

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Okay, this week was absolutely insane. My dad and I moved in with y/n for a while, which is fun and also VERY nice of her and her family. I don't even think my dad would do the same. Anyways, it was also tech week for Beauty and the Beast, so it was extremely stressful. But, it's okay. Probably. This week has had too much detail to really explain, so I'll give you a short summary of each day, kinda like a journal.

Friday: started moving in with y/n

Saturday: kept moving in with y/n; hw with y/n; reviewed lines with y/n

Sunday: moved fully out of my old house; started searching for apartments; interviewed for a job

Monday: tech week started

Tuesday: tech week; Got the job!! Started the job; date with y/n

Wednesday: tech week

Thursday: job shift; bio test

Friday: opening night!! had a blast at the cast parties with y/n, ricky, nini, and other friends

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