Start from the beginning

"I never said that I cared." He turned back to the target, readying his arm.

"Right. But you will have to find someone new to fuck."

"I'm not going to answer that."

"Because I'm irreplaceable?" She smirked.

He paid her a sidelong glance. "Are you ready to practice, or not?"

"Fine. Yes, let's practice." And perhaps do other things. She didn't let her mind drift to what might be waiting at the end.

She threw her first knife. It missed the bullseye by a hair. The only sign of annoyance to cross Midnight's face was the flexing of his jaw as he pretended not to notice. Clenching her teeth, she threw four more in rapid succession. These struck true, gathering about the center, feeding her smugness. This time, she didn't glance at him.

His aim was perfect every time. Throughout their practice, she stole several glances at him. It was impressive—the ease in which he lifted and threw, all in one fluid motion. She also made the mistake of lingering over his muscled arms and chest, which she shouldn't have done because it made her insides clench with want. If he ever suspected any hint of physical attraction on her end, he would shut her down as quickly as a mechanical with the turn of a key. It was an absolute danger.

They continued like this for close to an hour in complete silence. It did nothing for his temper, which surprised her. He was still irked. She knew it because when the clock approached half past three he turned. "Pants off. Get on your knees."

A shiver raced up her spine but her grin turned wicked. "I thought you'd never ask." She turned to him, overly smug, and tossed her knife into the air. He caught it and flung it at the target without taking his eyes off her. She knew that if she looked, it would be dead center.

"Do you want this or not?" He kept his voice even.

"Oh, I do." She complied.

He came up behind her, pushing her forward on all fours. Desperate anticipation rippled through her muscles, sending her pulse into a gallop. She braced her arms as he pulled her to him.

His fingers brushed her skin, sliding down the swell of her, gentle, almost a caress. A hint of what it would be like were he capable of affection. And then he was inside her. She lost it, letting go completely. It was easier than asking questions. Easier than thinking at all, really.

When he climaxed, he cried out with a groan, sending ripples of satisfaction deep into her core. If nothing else, at least she made him come. But aside from that one slip up, the sound of his voice ringing with pleasure, he held himself under lock and key. She wasn't as skilled in that regard, but she also didn't care if he knew how much she enjoyed it. So she let her sounds come more freely.

He didn't linger after they finished. She didn't expect him to. But she was still faced with the same emptiness as he took his leave. She thought about the things she had done the night before and the fear she'd confronted when considering what Midnight might have done in Beast's place. It only angered her.


She found Steiner well after dark. They sat in his study discussing the two deaths he'd reported earlier. Ray Penn and Glen Costigan were both followed and nearly killed when their bees registered the danger and struck. He assured her that the Spect bodies had been disposed of adequately. Both Spects were half her. Apprentices. Perhaps even from her old cohort. How many of them would be left when this was all over?

Steiner pulled the metallic bodies of the bees from a drawer in his desk, cradling them. With their stingers lodged in their victims, they had deactivated. Their prisms were drained, too. "Will they be useful anymore?"

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