It's Thursday. It's the day when Jisoo will finally talk to Taehyung about their situation.

Jisoo has been pacing back and forth in front of the library building. Her hands are cold, her heart is fluttering, and she's breathing irregularly.

"I can do this."

"We can do this."

She told herself repeatedly.

"Give me the courage to talk to your daddy, love." She whispered while caressing her stomach.

It's 15 minutes past 5 PM. Jisoo decided to give him some time to settle before confronting him. Rosé was right, no other students can be seen at the place. Taehyung was sitting quietly at the farthest corner of the library. The library was huge so it helped that they will have to talk at the corner where the librarian won't see them.

Jisoo was walking silently through the hallway. She was clenching the hem of her shirt due to nervousness.

There she saw the guy with a couple of books in front of him. He was too focused on reading that he didn't notice her sitting across from him.

Two minutes passed and the guy still did not notice her.

Jisoo: "Taehyung." It was his name that came out from her mouth.

Hearing someone called his name, Taehyung lifted his head up only to see the face that made him feel different emotions.

Surprised... Taehyung seemed to have stopped breathing for a moment, he didn't even blink his eyes.

Jisoo: "Um, hello." She managed to say to him.

Taehyung was back in his senses. Her voice.

"Her voice is as beautiful as her face. Like music to my ears."

"The f*ck I'm thinking?" Taehyung internally cursed himself.

"This was the girl that night. How can I forget her? Damn I don't even know her name. Matter of fact, why is she here?" He thought.

Jisoo: "I'm pregnant." She said.

There... she just said it.

If there's another way, better way of telling him about the pregnancy then someone should have told her that. Cause she just told him about it just like that... as simple as that.

Taehyung unconsciously closed the book that was left open in front of him. He was still not saying anything. He was just there, looking straight at the girl in front of him.

"Pregnant? Oh f*ck no!"

Taehyung: "You're pregnant?" He asked, trying to show a blank expression.

Jisoo: "Yes... and I need you to help me." She answered.

Taehyung is feeling tense right now.

Taehyung: "How far along are you?" He asked.

Jisoo: "Five weeks." She answered quickly.

Her gaze did not leave him. She's acting brave right now.

Taehyung: "You sure I'm the only one who could be the father?" He just needed to know.

Jisoo breathed heavily. This guy is accusing her of sleeping with another man? She got hurt.

Jisoo: "Yes, I am sure." She answered, trying to control herself from crying.

Both of them remained quiet for some time. It was only then that Taehyung dared to speak.

Taehyung: "Well, I think you are a liar." He said sternly.

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He knew that he was hurting her with his words but he can't just accept this news so easily.

Jisoo's eyes started to well up. How could he say that to her?

Jisoo: "I'm not lying. I'll even get a DNA test when the baby is born to prove it to you." She told him.

Jisoo was hurt by all these accusations but she was trying to stay strong... for her baby.

Taehyung didn't say another word. He knew that she was telling the truth. He believes her. 

If she's willing to get a DNA test then Taehyung knew that the baby was his. No girl is bold enough to say that if they know they're lying.

Before Taehyung could say something, Jisoo stood up and said.

Jisoo: "You know what... Just forget it." She was looking at him with mixed emotions visible in her eyes.

Tears finally rolled down her face. She can't hold it anymore. Jisoo thought that the conversation is going nowhere. 

Jisoo: "Talking to you is a big mistake. You're an as*hole!" She said before walking away.

Jisoo was wiping her tears while walking hurriedly through the hallway. She knew that he too was also surprised by the news but... she never expected him to accuse her like that.

Soon as she was out of the building, she leaned her back against the wall and hugged herself.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry baby. I guess it's just you and me now."

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