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Caroline sat on a sofa, stylishly eyeing the bags of mum's outfits and accessories.

"Who're those for?" She asked.

I walked down the stairs in a rather bored tone, but deep down I was hoping to get more information out of her from what she had told me at the mall.

"That's none of your business." I retorted. She scrunched up her nose in dismay and glared at Sharon and I.

"I can see you both have lost your manners again, not like you had one before. You couldn't even—"

"Caroline, why are you here?" I asked, walking towards the sofa opposite Caroline as I glanced at Sharon who just stood by the door glaring at her.

She rolled her eyes and sat erect on the sofa, then cleared her throat. "I don't deserve to go to jail, so you kids shouldn't even try." She said.

I raised a brow at her and folded my arms. "Oh?"

She rolled her eyes at the word I let out. "Like I told you at the mall, I saved your mum. If not for me, she would have been a smelly, rotten part of the earth buried six feet under all of us."

I furrowed my brows. "But she isn't." She added.

Sharon walked towards us and sat on the living room table, still glaring at Caroline.

"You kids are really dumb you know. Your supposedly dead mother magically found her way to your home and you didn't even care to know how that happened. How she's alive and not dead as you all thought, how—"

"Caroline, if you don't get straight to the point right now, I'll forget you're my elder and throw you out of this house." I said calmly, but still meaning every single word I said.

She runs away, and comes back home, only to insult my sister and I while still claiming to know something about our mum she knows we don't.


She stared at me in shock, but soon regained composure. She picked up her little hand bag and clenched it tightly, still trying to look calm.

"I hid your mother in a warehouse." She said. I didn't say anything, just nodded, urging her to continue.

"That was after your father had asked for my help to get rid of your mother, promising marriage in return. He actually wanted me to kill her." She continued, then came to a pause.

Sharon let out a loud scoff, folding her arms and rolling her eyes.

"I might've wanted the marriage because I genuinely liked your dad—" Sharon immediately let out a gagging sound, bringing her hand over to her mouth.

Caroline looked her up and down in annoyance. "Sharon, shut up and let me finish what I came to say."

I knew Sharon wouldn't say anything back, she never does. The only thing she could ever do was glare at her.

"As I was saying, I might've wanted the marriage because I genuinely liked your dad, but I wasn't ready to get blood stains all over myself in the name of love. So, I hid her." She came to a pause again.

I opened my mouth to speak, but she raised her hand up in front of me, signaling for me to stop. "I fed her, I'm not cruel. Even gave her clothes and took her outside a few times to take in fresh air." She said.

Yet mum came back home in rags.

Sharon rolled her eyes, probably doubting what she had said.

"What kind of food did you feed her with?" I asked.

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