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This chapter is dedicated to kundab

It's been over a week since I came to De Royale Academy and I have to say, things keep getting more dramatic and confusing by the moment.

When Evan started going to school again, I tried my very best to avoid him. I really did, but it seemed he was also trying to get closer to me.

Sharon was doing the same thing too. She started acting really nice and sweet towards me which often got me confused, and it seemed that action had triggered jealousy and anger in Nora. Sharon pretty much treats everyone like trash and worthless beings, except me and I feel that action makes Nora feel jealous. So to cut it short, Nora hates me.

I actually tried to do as Hannah said and befriend them but it was just too hard for me to do.

The nightmares started occuring more frequently and this time it always seemed to happen in school. The nightmares felt more realistic than they use to.

One time, I had dreamt that I was at home reading. It was night and I was reading my books as I lay on my bed.

Suddenly, the lights went off and my mum came out of nowhere, holding a candle and a match stick. She lit it and kept it on my desk and left which got me confused because we always used rechargeable flashlights. I shrugged and continued to read my books.

Then, my eyes met a shadow, not a creature, a shadow quietly watching me from outside the window. I screamed in fear and jumped out of bed, but that wasn't what caused me scurry out of my room. The shadow slowly morphed into... The boy, and unlike before, he held a long cane wrapped in red and black cloth.

I ran out of my room in search of my brother and mother but it seemed I was alone in the house. I was outside the house all of a sudden and I could see the shadows of the boy moving everywhere in the house. What puzzled me was the fact that he was at four places at the same time.

Then, he appeared in front of me which caused me to jolt backwards immediately. He had a wide grin in his face as he took slow steps towards me. Believe me, I was tired of always dying but I still wanted to try to survive, so I turned around and started to run while the boy whipped me continuously with the red and black cane.

It stung so much that I actually started to bleed and I lost so much blood. I couldn't run any longer so I collapsed on the ground, and when he was about to whip me for the last time with the cane, I spring up from my bed.

I ran to a mirror and I was so shocked to see cane marks on the parts of my body he had whipped. I didn't tell my mum, I didn't tell anyone because I didn't want them to worry. My mum already had enough things to worry about like the fact that her daughter has been having similar nightmares since she was seven. I couldn't tell her about this. I couldn't!

And as if all that wasn't enough, I received a letter yesterday from an anonymous person. I came early to school yesterday and when I had gotten to class and opened my locker, I saw a white piece of paper neatly folded and kept on top of my books.

I curiously picked it up and opened it. And what I saw made my heart skip a bit and my knees weak.

~The hunting

I tore the paper into pieces and threw it in the dustbin.

I walked self-consciously down the hallway as I tried to get to class. I had never been late to class and I knew it wouldn't end well for me since we had maths period first and our maths teacher was an ever grumpy middle-aged man.

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