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Slowly, I opened my eyes.

"She's waking up." I heard a voice say.

I tried to identify the person and people around me but found it hard due to my blurry sight.

I lay there for a while, letting my eyes adapt to my surroundings and finally I could see.

I was in the school's infirmary!

"What am I doing here? I'm fine." I said, weakly.

"You're not, just keep quiet okay." I turned my head around.

My heart missed a beat as I stared at the figure standing in front of me.

"P-please!" I sobbed. "Get away from me!".

Turning around, I grabbed one of the pillows on the bed I laid on and threw it at him, using the other to cover me.

"Why? I won't hurt you." He said.

Like I would believe him!

I stood up from the bed and made an attempt to run away when I felt my legs tremble and shake, and I fell back on the bed.

I was that weak?

"Oh! You're finally awake." A feminine voice said. Turning around, I saw the school's nurse, Miss Clementine.

"How are you feeling, dear?" She asked, her hands resting on my forehead.

"I feel weak." I complained.

"Probably because of the capsules you took." She said. "Why were you with capsules?".

I glanced at the boy still in front of me, whom, I believed was Evan and gulped.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"I, uum, saw you laying unconscious in the girl's bathroom and saw a blister pack on top of a sink." He explained, shyly.

I blinked in surprise. "Y-you went i-in the girl's b-bathroom?!"

"I was frustrated okay?! I just wanted to see you and you ran away!!" He yelled angrily, which made me jolt backwards in fear.

I sighed and looked away but didn't see Miss Clementine anymore. I felt the side of the bed going down and turned around. I jolted back again.

He sighed in frustration. "I'm sorry. I have. . . issues. Look, you really don't need to be scared of me."

"No! I do. Why won't you listen, just leave! It's bad enough you hunt me whenever I sleep and now you're real! How is this even possible!!" I sobbed.

I expected he would frown or look hurt and leave, but he smiled instead. Then, he laughed hysterically, which got me creeped out.

"Stop laughing!" I sobbed.

"I'm use to people wishing I wasn't real." He said, more to himself than to me. I expected him to frown on saying that, but he laughed instead.

I stared at him in confusion.
"Why do you want to see me?" I asked.

"Do you know who Sharon Achebe is?" He asked instead.

"Yes bu––".

"What does she mean to you?".

"Huh? I don't know, I just met her few days ago. Why do you ask?".

"Nothing." He said coldly.

With his hands put at his back, he stood up and walked out of the infirmary.

"What did I do?" I asked, confused.

It was a free period and I was back in class.

I was reading a novel, as usual and Nnadzwa decided to interrupt my happy moment.

"Ejiro, I have to ask." She started. "What happened to you today and yesterday?".

"Yeah. I heard you were at the infirmary after you left the class today. We came to see you but you were still sleeping and Miss Clementine told us to get back to class." Sara pouted.

"Thanks for your concern but it was just a headache." I said.

Nnadzwa raised a brow. "Really? Just a headache?".

"Yes." I stated, and she didn't bother to say anything else. Neither did Sara.

"Sooo, what do you think of Sharon's brother? He's cute right?" She asked.

Gosh! Not this!

"I guess." I shrugged.

"You guess? That guy is soo handsome but he's a bit, physco like Sharon." Nnadzwa said.

"Physco? How?" I asked.

"We heard they have bipolar disorder." Sara said.

"Really? I haven't noticed that in Sharon." I said.

"You will soon." Sara said.

"Though, if Evan didn't have a bipolar disorder he would've been my biggest crush ever and probably other girls too." Nnadzwa gushed.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever!".

"Sooo" Noah said, walking towards me. The others groaned and sighed in annoyance, making me to laugh.

"You guys are not serious." He said. Then, turning to me, he said again. "I did what you told me to and found the answer to number ten on my list.".

"Okay, lemme hear it." I said.

"Well, after observing most of the boys in our class I came to a conclusion that most of them, excluding me, are dummies." He said, making Sara, Nnadzwa and I to snicker.

"So I did a little research of my own. According to my research, it was proven by scientists that reading and language is more of a feminine activity than it is masculine, so males have to spend more time improving on that skill. It was also proven that the gap between girls and boys in reading and language capacity is suprisingly large, and the girls are seen doing better than the boys for as early as 10 years. Another research showed that girls use both hemispheres of their brains in reading while boys rely on just one, and another reason why girls read and write better than guys is because guys are more inattentive and disruptive than girls.". He said.

"Wow! I'm a girl and even I didn't know all that. Good job, Noah..." Sara said, stretching out a hand for a handshake which Noah took gleefully.

"For being so jobless!" She finished and burst into laughter. Noah turned to her and frowned.

"Don't mind her, Noah. Wow! I'm amazed. We girls are awesome!" Nnadzwa said, raising her fists up in the air.

"Yeah we are!" I said in agreement.

"Whatever, you still have nine more questions to answer." He said, taking the empty seat behind me. That's when I noticed Evan wasn't in class. I was a bit relieved though, until he walked in.

Again, his eyes travelled round the class until it landed on me. It gave me the creeps. He smiled and slowly walked to my direction.

Right then and there, I wanted to dig up a hole and hide inside it so no one ,and especially him, would see me.

And yes, the hole would be dug up in the classroom.

The Boy In Her DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now