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What stupid trick was Sharon trying to pull on me?!

She had no idea how I felt after revealing such a news to me. Causing my heart beat to skip, bringing cold sweat to my body, and goosebumps, the bad kind.

It reminded me of the warning mother had given me of Sharon's father, whoever he was.

"Hello? Sharon?" I called, the call still went on, but the line was quiet.

"Are you still there?" Hannah asked, as if reading my mind.

There was a brief minute of silence, a whole minute! And when I decided to caught the call, considering the fact that she wasn't with her phone anymore, a hysterical laughter broke the silence.

I stared at the phone in confusion, apparently, she was laughing.

"Gotcha!". She said. "My dad would never intentionally want to hurt you in anyway.".

Despite knowing she couldn't see me, I scrunched up my nose and and furrowed my brows in annoyance.

"What kind of joke was that? I don't like those kind of jokes!" I exclaimed, and Hannah nodded in agreement.

"I-I'm sorry. I just thought, since we're friends now and I apologized, we could crack up jokes and laugh together." She said.

I raised a brow, and sighed. "You need to learn a thing or two about joking.". I said.

"Are you serious about Evan being locked up and you not knowing where he is though?" I asked.

"Oh yes! I really need your help. It's been three days Ejiro, three days!" She said. "I'm worried.".

"But, I don't get it, doesn't he have friends? Why ask me?" I asked.

"Well, he doesn't. You guys have been getting along lately and I thought you guys are friends now." She said.

I nodded quietly. "Like I said, I'll see what I can do. Meet me at Deli's restaurant tomorrow at five so we can talk about this.". And with that, I caught the call.

I laid on my bed and collapsed on it. "This is too much to take in." I sighed.

"Ejiro." Hannah called as she approached me on the bed.


"Did you actually mean what you said in the hospital? About the Nnadzwa girl being your... Step sister?". She asked.

I glanced at her, then looked up to stare at the ceiling as I let out a heavy sigh. "I don't think I want to talk about it, Hannah.".

I wished so desperately to escape the pains of reality. To for once, feel as if a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders, feel like there's not a reason to care in the world and be genuinely happy, hopefully, that day will come.

I heard the sound of the door getting shut, as Hannah had left me to rest like she said she would.

I sighed and closed my eyes to sleep.

"I knew you looked familiar.".

I stopped walking and turned around. Her comment caught me off guard.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"You're Ejiro Oghomena, right?" She asked, and I nodded slowly in confusion.

"My brother just said that".

"Do you remember me? Sharon Achebe?" She asked, taking few steps closer.

"How? I don't understand. We met two days ago" I said, getting even more confused.

"No, I'm your best friend. Remember?" She asked again.

The Boy In Her Dreamsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें