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I fluttered my eyelids open, and again with the blurry sight.

I could feel the soft surface of the item I laid on, which got aroused my curiousity.

When was I lying down?!

Using my arms, I pushed myself up and took a clearer look at my environment.

"W-what?!". I scooted to the edge of the bed to stand up, but felt a slight pull on my right hand. I brought my gaze down at it and gasped, knowing that I was being treated through drip.

Treated for what?!

I wished I hadn't asked myself that question. Slowly but eventually, the memories of the incident that occured before I became unconscious was brought back, and I didn't even know when I began to panic.

"Hello!" I yelled at once. "Why am I in a hospital?!".

I heard voices coming from the outside of the room, and I stood up at once to feed my curiosity.

"Oh My Gosh!" Was what I heard as I approached the open door. A rather relieved Hannah came into view as she engulfed me in a hug.

"I'm so happy you're okay." She breathed out, still maintaining the hug.

Mother came in next, as Hannah pulled away from the hug with teary eyes and made way for my mother.

"Sweetie." She called. "How are you feeling?". She said, placing my hand in hers.

I looked down at it and back at my mother's red and swollen eyes. I moved my left hand up and wiped away a tear.

"Mother, I'm fine. Please don't worry." I said.

Noah came in next, and so did Sara, and my heart melted seeing they cared enough to meet me in a hospital.

"I'm fine guys." I said as Noah led me back to the bed.

"What happened to you?" Sara asked. I looked at everyone staring at me and brought my gaze down to the floor.


"You're awake!".

I brought my gaze up, and suddenly a wild rush of anger fueled through my veins, as well as, the feelings of sadness, disappointed, and slight doubt.

"Nnadzwa." I said through gritted teeth.

She moved closer to the bed I sat on, and reached for my cheek. I grabbed her hand and pulled it away.

"Don't touch me!" I said. Everyone stared at Nnadzwa and I in confusion.

"Ejiro, what's the problem?" Hannah asked, patting my shoulder.

"The problem is that Nnadzwa's here." I said, holding back tears. It still hurt knowing she's my step sister, the same step sister that sent me threat notes and tried to kill me by letting me drown in the school's swimming pool.

"Ejiro, she's Nnadzwa, our friend. The one we always hang out with at school." Sara said.

I raised my index finger and pointed at her. "She tried to kill me, she pushed me inside the school's swimming pool and let me drown in it.".

Noah looked from me to Nnadzwa. "Ejiro, what are you saying? Nnadzwa that went home before all of us. She wasn't in school when you, umm, drowned in the swimming pool.".

"Noah's right. How can you say this? She's our friend.".

"But I'm telling you, she did push me into the swimming pool. Why don't you believe me?". I asked, tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Okay, everyone outside!" Mother yelled. "The drugs she took might be affecting her. We'll sort this out later.".

Reluctantly, they all went to wait outside the room, but I couldn't miss the wicked smirk Nnadzwa gave me.

Mother closed the room door, and came back to sit beside me as I laid on the bed.

She placed her palm on my forehead and my neck, then planted a kiss on my cheek.

"I'm so glad you're fine." She said. I frowned at her relieved self and stared at my palm. It seemed to have become a habit of mine to look down.

"Mother." I called.


I shut my eyes and let tear drops roll down my cheeks. "Why didn't you tell me I have a step sister, and that dad had another family.".

I immediately brought my gaze back up to look at her, and I watched as froze and stared down at me in suprise. Then, she stared at the shut door and smiled.

"I can't talk about this here." She sighed. "I'll tell you when we get home.".

"Promise?." I said, relieved that she didn't try to deny it or change the topic.


It took hours and a night, but I was finally discharged from the hospital.

Jomafu and Jokpa had also come to see me, and just like mother, they had stayed with me for hours, but had to go back home when it was night.

I smiled as Jomafu piggie backed me up the stairs, and Jokpa helped take some of my belongings I used last night into my room.

Jomafu dropped me down on my bed, and bent down to look at me. Then, Jokpa patted me gently on my head and gave me a warm smile.

"Don't do anything today, just sleep. And when you're better, you, me and Jokpa are going to have a talk." He said, and followed Jokpa as they walked out of my room and shut the door.

Hannah came into the room door next, and engulfed me in another hug.

"I thought you went back home.". I asked.

She smiled sheepishly and said "We would've gone earlier, but we had to stop to by somethings.".

"For who?" I asked, giggling a bit.

"Ah ah, why do you always think it's me." She said.

I giggled some more. "I didn't call your name, I just asked a question.".

"Fine, their for me." She said. "We'll gist later, I'll leave you to rest.".

She skipped to the door but paused and turned around. "Oh! I forgot to tell you." She said. "Sharon called, like fifteen times.".

"Call her then." I said. Hannah brought out her phone from her little bag and dialed the number that called, and it picked up almost immediately.

"Hello, Ejiro." She said quickly.

"Hello?" I replied.

"Evan needs your help. I need your help." She said in a quick manner again.

"What happened?" I asked as I creased my brows.

"My dad locked him somewhere in the house and I can't find him." She said.

"Ask your dad then." I replied.

"He refused to tell me anything. I haven't seen him for, like, I think three days now." She said. "Please, I'm begging you. Help me find him."

Hannah glanced at me surprised, and brought her ear back to the phone.

"I'll see what I can do." I said.

I made to caught the call but as if aware, she yelled. "Wait!".

"I forgot to tell you something." She said.

"What?" I asked.

"You're in great danger."

"What?!" Both Hannah and I yelled.

"My dad, he, he wants you dead."

The Boy In Her DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now