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I watched helplessly as the health prefects hurriedly carried Sara out of the library and away from the crowd.

Some of the students made attempts to go after them, but the teachers who had come to see what the commotion was about had blocked their paths and ordered them to go back.

I was among the students that made attempts to go after them and I was so confused.

Was she sick?

Students and teachers had began to leave the library entrance but I still stood there, contemplating on whether to go after them or not.

I felt Noah's hands on the sides of my shoulders as I looked ahead and watched the health prefects run hurriedly with Sara.

"C'mon." He said. "Let's go. We'll go see her when she's better. Don't worry, she's okay." .

I shrugged his shoulders off and shook my head on disagreement. "You don't know that.". I said.

I made an attempt to quickly walk past the library, hoping that no one would seen me, but I wasn't quick enough.

The Literature substitute teacher walked out of the library and blocked my path. "Where are you going?". She asked, just as the bell was rung for break over.

I sighed in frustration and stood on my tippie toes as I looked over her shoulders, and to my disappointment, the health prefects and Sara were out of sight.

I scoffed in annoyance.

Where were they when I had been falling unconscious?!

"I asked a question." She said, narrowing her brows at me. "As you can see, break time is over.".

I frowned as I brought my gaze to the floor. "Nevermind, I'll head over to class now." I said.

She nodded and looked on in anticipation as I turned around and walked back to Noah, a little suprised he didn't leave.

What a birthday!


The reason Sara had fallen unconscious must've been serious as there were rumors she was taken to the hospital.

I, of course, didn't believe those rumors, so I headed to the Infirmary with Noah. I wasn't stupid enough to go on my own when I knew Nnadzwa still had intentions to kill me.

When we had gotten there, the nurses had told us that Sara had indeed been taken to a hospital which made me worry more.

I had decided to go visit her after school. That was until Sharon had reminded me of our after school plans.

I told Noah everything about Evan getting locked up and he encouraged me to go with her, saying he would go to the hospital and explain to Sara.

I agreed, but deep down, I felt like a bad friend.

And now, I nervously stood at the front of the Achebe's building. I took in a deep breath and gave Sharon a small smile as we both stepped into her house.

There her father sat, chatting away on a phone call. He was just as cruel and insensitive as I remembered, and it just sickened me.

Sharon glared at her father, then marched angrily towards him. She stood in front of him at once, and when he had turned around to continue with his call, she harshly grabbed the phone from his hold and tossed it on the ground.

I could hear my heart pounding as I continued to watch Sharon's act.

"Father, I demand you release Evan at once! I know you're naturally just heartless and cold, but for the sake of mother, let Evan go. You've always claimed to love mother, prove it today!". She yelled.

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