All I Think About Is How To Make You Think of Me

Start from the beginning

I'm definitely not planning to, and even if he asks me for it, I wouldn't anyway.

"Yeah. I won't," I say with more push in my tone.

"Then, I guess I'll be back in three." He replies, while assisting me in getting back inside of the car once again.

I just smile at him and continue to settle myself back into the seat as he walks straight towards the entrance.


"I'm bored......" I groan while trying to play the car's controls.

Hogan is just taking so long inside, and I'm just left here stuck in the car, waiting for him. It's already been eight minutes since he went in, yet he still hasn't given any indication that he's heading out of the house. It's irritating. Especially since I could hear their music booming through the park. Honestly, what is up?

I'm not really sure what's going on there or whether I should go get him, but I can tell it's definitely concerning.

Hogan's not really the type to hang out with the popular folks, as I last remember it. He plays football at our school, yet he doesn't usually hang out with them. I don't really get why, but as far as I know he's just not close to the other players. But hell. That was before. Times change. So there's a possibility that he's now straight buddies with them. So yeah.....what a fun turn out.

Trying to erase my boredom, I try to dial Hogan's phone and wait for him to answer. It took me a minute before I stopped because my call straight up moves into voicemail every time. Honestly, what is happening in there?

I'm just curious as to what's taking him so long. So I step out of the car and lock the door behind me.

The weather's heavily hot once I'm outside, and the disturbing noise coming from the house just makes me more heated.

I could definitely that tell they're having a party because there are a few drunk people hanging out on their porch. Some are holding cups of beer and the others are just doing random drunk things. There's also probably some booze in there, and hell, I could absolutely use one right now since I'm feeling a little bit messed up. But then again, I can't because I need to fucking get Hogan. 

Finally, having the courage to do so, I settle myself and thread my feet towards the party.


People are already staring at me as soon as I get inside. There were many people from my school at the party, and most of them were popular. One even tried to give me a disgusted look when he saw me, yet I couldn't bring myself to care since I was just frantically looking for Hogan in every room. Damn it. Where the hell is he?

He wasn't in the dining area nor the living room, since I had already checked there. I even tried asking some people that I know, yet none of them have any idea where he is.

I'm just so conflicted as to what he's doing that I'm either getting worried or angry when I go to go to find him in another room.

There are only two places that I haven't gone through yet; the main bathroom and the pool. I'm definitely not risking myself to go to the bathroom because I'll probably just see some unholy shit out there. There's even loud moaning that's already echoing in the hall even though I'm literally meters away from it. I don't really bother to know where the noises lead, so instead, I just go through the far end of the house and try my luck at the poolside.

It's certainly crowded and most of the people in it are just merely naked. There's even a guy wearing only briefs that's trying to approach me. He's getting close, yet I still can't identify who he is because of his glasses. The familiarity hits seconds later, though, as his hand starts stroking my neck and he starts speaking next to my ear.

"Serge. What are you doing here? You know this party, not a gay club right?" He says.

I just try to furrow my brows once I glance back at him. And I couldn't help but just be annoyed when I see the smirk that's forming on his lips.

"Really? I think I'm not mistaking though, Collier, because seeing all the naked guys in here, I thought you were having an orgy." I answer back at him.

I could already see his expression waver when he hears my words, yet he still hadn't stopped grinning at me like a devil and tsk when he forms a response once again.

"Then, I should have probably invited you since I know how much you like that," he says, trying to be witty.

I cringe at his words and try to hide my uncomfortable feelings with a forced chuckle.

He's not done yet though, since his brows suddenly rose up like he'd just seen a ghost behind me and turns me on my position, trying to at point something.

"But you'll perhaps just be turned off since the guy you like will definitely just be fucking someone else," he whispers, while making me face a sight that leaves me speechless.

Meters away from us, I could see a brown-haired boy making out with a girl who's undoubtedly hot. I try to lean closer to see who it is, but then he suddenly turns and just then did I remember the knowingness of his face. It's also a look that I'm definitely not foreign to. Because it's actually fucking Hogan. The girl in question, though, is none other than his ex, Bre.

"Sucks for you, loverboy," Collier boldly says, and laughs as he exits behind me.

I'm just stuck in my position while staring at the sight of them making out. I'm already used to seeing Hogan kissing someone since he sometimes invites me to their dates. Yet, the cluelessness of me rethinking what he said about him and Bre being over is just a mess right now. Didn't they break up? because it doesn't seem like it from the way she's all over him. I guess he had already changed his mind though, and the acts of him acting like he doesn't want her anymore are surely just for show.

I know I shouldn't be jealous since from the start he was never interested in anything more with me. Yet, I couldn't help but just be struck by it. I don't even have any other options if they're back together. So instead, I just smile and try not to be affected by it all.

I sigh when I finally detain my thoughts and settle myself before I even try to do something that'll embarrass me. I just try to glance away from them when I finally managed to and act casually once I leave the pool.

It sucks, yet I couldn't even feel disappointed. It's much easier that way. He's straight, even if he's been acting so gay for the past few days, and I'm perfectly fine with that, even if it means just me waiting on the sidelines. Damn it, I just probably need to get laid. And besides, my role is just easy enough. Be his best friend and never look at him in any other way. Because i'll only lose him even more, right?

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