Big Brother Avanti x Dead Little Sister Reader (Manifesto 1988)

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Avanti Pov
Both me and Y/N were great fighters as we got trained under a great wizard so I was confident in our ability when we arrived at hogwarts ready to help them innthe war but even so just because I knew Y/N was strong didn't mean I was protective over as she was my younger sister who I loved very much and I swore when our parents died I'd protect her no matter what. So when the fight started I made he swear she'll stay by my side and make it out alive as she just nodded.

However the fight was all over the place and I ended up losing her but I didn't have time to go find her so I just hoped and prayed she'd be fine on her own. Hours later we won the war and I was exhausted walking around trying to find her but there was no sign of her, hearing crying I look around the corner seeing Harry holding a body close to him making me walk over "what happened?" I ask getting closer making him jump at my voice "I'm so sorry Avanti, Y/N is dead" I blink at him not believing him until i look who was in arms, laying limb "she fought really hard but she never saw the death eater behind her I tried warning her but it was to late."

Falling to ground next to them I take Y/N off him Holding her close to me as I scream in agony as I started sobbing as I had lost her when I swore I'd never let anything happen to her. Running out of tears I move her hair out her face kissing her forehead whisping I loved her and telling promising to love my life out as I knew thats what she would want.

Brother/Sister x Brother/Sister Reader Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now