"You don't trust me?" I interrupted.

"No, it's not that just-"

"Tell me!"

Dipper stared at me and gave in. "Ok. Fine. When I first arrived to Gravity Falls in the beginning of the summer, I found this journal that had all these explanations and notes of the weird things that go on here. " Dipper hesitantly reached into his vest and pulled out a worn out, brown book. On the cover it had a golden six fingered hand with the number 3 in the middle of it. I stared at it in awe.

"The author to the journal is unknown...but, it...it talks about Bill." Dipper finally said.

"Bill?" I echoed shocked.

"Yes, Bill." He opened the journal to, apparently, a book-marked page. It had an ink drawn picture of Bill in his real, recognizable, form. On the bottom it read:

Beware of Bill, the most powerful creature I've ever encountered. What ever you do, do not let him into your mind.

I shivered. To late.

Dipper flipped to another page.

I almost choked. It had Bill in his triangle form, floating in the middle of the wheel that he had displayed as a hologram. I looked up near the question mark symbol and saw...my arrow.

"I don't know what it means but-" Dipper cut himself off as he studied the page. A look of terror crossed his face. "That-that isn't supposed to be there."

As I had dreaded, he pointed toward the arrow.

"That...this arrow symbol hasn't been here." He looked up at me. "Was Bill messing with my journal?"

I felt my heart beat ramming against my rib cages. "I-I don't know, I..."

"Of course you wouldn't know! You didn't even know about the journal until just now!" Dipper seemed in distress. "Something has happened that changed this..." He murmured.

I could see the bright, shining fear in his eyes. Dipper looked back at me as if he was trying to draw answers out of me.

I looked at the page, sneakily. Pine Tree: Dipper, Shooting Star: Mabel, Arrow: Eleanor...me.

I started taking in shaky breaths. "Uh, why-why is that bad?" I stammered.

"Because!" He shouted. "Something, so great and powerful, occurred, enough to alter the ink on these pages themselves!"

I blinked. Bill. "Dipper...I don't know what could have happened." I said slowly.

"Of course you don't." Dipper said tersely.

I understood why he was acting so angry and upset so I tried my best not to glare at him. "Look...this journal...um," I couldn't bare it. I knew that this was 'Dipper's secret' it just surprised me that he even had a secret. Though, I already knew, I didn't want to believe it.

Dipper looked up at me again. "What about it?"

"How long have you...had it?" I wanted to flat out ask him, 'How long has this journal been in your possession and been kept a secret?!'

Dipper trembled slightly. "Um...two weeks after we arrived in Gravity Falls." He said slightly confused.

"We?" Is he talking about us?

"Oh, me and Mabel." He said.

I looked down at the grass and dirt covered ground. "Oh."

Dipper shook his head. "We'll find out the mystery of this page later." Dipper said as he slammed the book closed. "Right now, we need to get rid of Bill."

I jumped in shock. "What?! No! You can't-"

Dipper interrupted me with a startled glance.

"I mean-"

Dipper interrupted me again. "What do you mean you can't, Bill is a problem!" Dipper started to grow angry.

"I know but...he's actually nice." I admitted. I immediately regretted saying that.

"He's nice?! Are you kidding me?!" Dipper was in shock.

"I-no, I'm not he isn't that bad when he isn't...you know...bad." I tried to explain.

Dipper shook his head. "Eleanor, look, he's going to turn on you! You can't trust him!"

I suddenly felt a hot flash of anger wash over me. "Him? Which him do you mean? Huh? Bill or you?!" I glared at him, now on my feet.

Dipper stared at me in disbelief. He opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted.

"Well, obviously you can trust me." Bill materialized by my side.

Dipper fell backwards. His face was red with anger.

I turned to Bill. "Bill, I thought I told you not to follow me!" I said harshly.

Bill shrugged. "I didn't know you went to talk to Dipper again. I thought you would have told me." Bill said simply.

I studied him angrily. "Bill. Go. Now."

Bill began to turn red. "I'm not leaving Arrow." His gaze was full of hate.

Dipper got up and faced me. "See! Bill is untrustworthy and needs everything to be his way." Dipper stepped in between me and Bill. "You can't trust him!"

I looked over Dipper's shoulder. "No Dipper...I can trust him."

He stared at me in utter shock. "But...no, Eleanor you have to listen to me! He's dangerous!"

I got up and pushed him aside and walked over to Bill. I was done with Dipper's sour attitude. "No, Dipper, I'm not going to listen to you...Bill has given me his trust and I believe him."

Dipper was so shocked that it looked like I had punched him in the gut. "Eleanor! No! Please don't do this!" He looked like he was on the brink of crying.

I wanted to cry to. "No...Dipper...I can't."

"You're just doing this to get me back! Only, because I lied to you a little bit." He was shaking.

That's when I did the unthinkable. I turned to Bill, pulled his collar down and kissed him. Bill looked taken back I thought he might faint.

I pulled back and stared at Dipper. "Proof enough?"

Dipper was still as stone.

That's what I thought... I turned around and marched away, leaving Dipper behind and everything I wanted with him.

The Beginning: It All Starts Here (Gravity Falls Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now