Arc 4.22

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In fact, congratulating Mr. He on his birthday is only one of the reasons.

The most important thing is that Meng Zezhi is now reluctantly able to stand firm in these last days, and it is time to give Qi Liang and Fu Boyu a big gift.

It's just that, I can't tell Qin Yaochen.

However, this did not prevent him from making Qin Yaochen happy with his rhetoric.

Qin Yaochen was obviously a little moved, his eyes were gleaming as his Adam's apple was rolling up and down: "Okay."

It was just joy, he was a little nervous: "However, your grandpa he—"

He hesitated to speak but stopped.

Meng Zezhi couldn't understand his thoughts, and immediately said: "Don't worry, my grandfather is open-minded."

He explained: "My little grandfather also likes men. When he came out, he was almost beaten to death by my grandfather. Because he was determined not to break up with his lover, my grandfather severed his father-son relationship with him. My grandfather was also angry. He doesn't agree with him getting entangled with a man, and hates the man who made his family uneasy. It just happened that God made a joke with him--"

"Huh?" Qin Yaochen turned over to look at him.

"That man saved his life on the battlefield..." Meng Zezhi gathered people in his arms: "Later, my grandpa died, and my grandpa slowly recovered contact with my little grandpa and his family. My little grandfather’s health was not very good since he was a child. He suffered from sequelae when he was old. He had been lying in the hospital bed for five years before he died. The man was always taking care of him without complaint. Not long after my little grandpa died, He just followed."

"In addition to the horrible idea of ​​my aunt's house, in comparison, what my grandpa talked about most often in the past few years is my little grandpa's affairs."

The aunt in Meng Zezhi's mouth was the daughter left by the old wife of the old man He. Like Qi Si's immortal mother, she chose to marry love. It's just that she is going to a high place, Qi Si's immortal mother jumped into the pit without hesitation.

But her life was much more moisturized than Keith's immortal mother.

She became pregnant not long after she got married, but the baby was born peacefully, but she had stretch marks on her body. Her husband felt that she had given birth to a daughter, and even felt that the stretch marks on her body were disgusting. After a while, he changed his mind and raised a mistress outside.

The broken ship of love sinks when it sinks.

She had cried and quarreled about it, and she had heard too much cynicism, and she was also dead. But she refused Father He’s request for a divorce. Instead, she took evidence of her husband’s derailment and asked for a large amount of alimony from him. Then she raised a little lover outside, young and strong, who changed every two years. Kind of...

When her husband found out, naturally he didn't get angry at all, but he was worried about the faces of the two families, and had no way to go, so he could only choose not to see.

The younger generation naturally felt relieved when they heard this, but in the eyes of the older generation, it was an unspeakable response.

Hearing this, Qin Yaochen couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

"If you don't worry about it, it's a big deal that you will bring Brother Tang and all of them..." Meng Zezhi suggested in an unbelievable way.

For more than a month, half of the level 3 crystal cores he earned back were sold to the system mall to maintain daily expenses, and the other half were all subsidized to Tang Mingyuan and the others.

Fortunately, the effort pays off. Now the people under Meng Zezhi and Qin Yaochen are at least the third-level mid-level ability. Tang Mingyuan and Huang Wu’s brother Liu He also broke through the fourth level. Qin Yaochen and Huang Wu are even more advanced. After that, he stepped into the pinnacle of level 4.

"I went to celebrate the birthday of the old man, not to kick the club..." Even so, Qin Yaochen began to seriously think about the necessity of the matter.

After all, having a bunch of powerful brothers under his hands is also a manifestation of his own strength.

The more Qin Yaochen thought about it, the more he felt that this suggestion was feasible, and his mood became more difficult to calm down, and he became agitated with his body.

Meng Zezhi looked at the timing and pressed it up, in exchange for a warm response from the people under him.

He knew that if he coaxed people, he could always taste the sweetness.


The matter is so set.

Huang Wu stayed behind to guard the home, Qin Yaochen led Meng Zezhi back to the base in the capital, along with the three bodyguards that Elder He had assigned to his predecessor.

Business will not fall, Meng Zezhi will take the time to return to the base every day, after all, this is related to the life and death of millions of people, and the planting area also needs him to fertilize and water every day.

This is another benefit of Escape Technique.

After packing up all the luggage and items, the group of people formally set off on the road.

Meng Zezhi and Qin Yaochen were not in a hurry because they set off a few days earlier.

Those who are purely capable of using a pile of crystal nuclei, their strength is definitely not better than those of the same level who crawled out of the pile of dead people. Therefore, they want to take this rare opportunity to go out and train their troops well.

In this way, the high-level zombies and mutant animals and plants along the way will not suffer.

That's it, but it took a week to walk the distance of more than two hundred kilometers.

It was in the evening when the group arrived at the base in Beijing.

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