Arc 1.17

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"My name is Zhang Fangxu, a native of the border province. I graduated from Geng Province University. I was recommended to join the master's and doctoral studies at Beijing University for 12 years. At the beginning, I studied under Professor Zhang Minghui. Professor Zhang Minghui is a respected and respected old professor. Inner respect."

"But then Professor Zhang passed away on business. Because Professor Meng Zezhi was also a researcher in number theory, I turned to him for a Ph.D. As the title, I posted this video today to expose this Professor Meng Zezhi Meng. Ugly face."

"At the beginning of 2014, I had a new understanding of Goldbach’s conjecture, so I launched a deep research on it, and finally got the results of the research two years later. It’s just because I was here. Too much time was spent on research, and there was a rigid requirement for Ph.D. students to publish two papers in Chinese core journals, so I split the research results into two papers..."

"These two papers, one is "New Thoughts on Goldbach Conjecture", and the other is "Goldbach Conjecture on Groups"."

In the video, Zhang Fangxu stooped down and brought up a thick stack of manuscript paper from under the table, flipped to the camera, and said: "These are the manuscripts I saved when I was doing research. Maybe it was out of vanity. Talk to classmates and roommates about my research. I hope they can stand up and testify for me."

"After the thesis was written, I went to Professor Meng, hoping that he could give some guiding opinions. After reading my thesis, Professor Meng said that there was a problem with the conclusion. He should study it carefully. Let me go back and wait for news first."

"Generally speaking, it is difficult for PhD students in our profession to publish articles in domestic core journals, unless their supervisor signs the first author, or they can get two letters of recommendation including their supervisor's. That is to say, no matter what Which method is it? If Professor Meng does not let go, the chances of my paper being passed are slim."

Having said that, Zhang Fangxu seemed to be suppressing something, his eyes opened in anger, and the blue veins on his forehead were rising: "I just waited for nearly two months. Two months later, the paper was published without my knowledge at all. The "Chinese Journal of Mathematics" above."

Zhang Fangxu grabbed two copies of the Chinese Journal of Mathematics, spread them under the camera, gritted his teeth and said: "You are not mistaken, the authors of these two papers only have Meng Zezhi's name."

"After the incident, I went to Meng Zezhi for the theory, and he threatened me that if I dared to poke this matter out, he would have a thousand ways to make me unable to graduate."

With that said, Zhang Fangxu put down the two magazines in his hand, and instead drew out a bank statement. The printed date was exactly one year ago, and the words'Meng Zezhi' were circled in red pen on it.

"Then Meng Zezhi transferred 60,000 yuan to me."

Zhang Fangxu's eyes reddened directly: "At that time, my dad was hospitalized with chronic renal failure, and his family had almost used up all his savings to give him dialysis treatment..."

He clasped his hands tightly, choked and said: "He took my weakness, I can't beat him..."

Having said this, his tone changed, his face flushed, from his neck to the back of his ears: "I keep the bank bills for today—"

"Someone will definitely ask why I have the courage to stand up today!" Zhang Fangxu took a deep breath: "Because I finally graduated."

"I was supposed to be able to graduate in June, but without those two papers, I couldn't meet the mandatory graduation requirements for the two Chinese core journal papers set by Beijing University, so I was forced to postpone my graduation by half a year. "

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