Arc 1.13

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On Thursday morning, Pete Sanak woke up early as usual. He was 30 years old this year, graduated from the Princeton Department of Mathematics, and is now a review editor of the Annals of Mathematics.

He has always been proud of being a reviewer and editor of one of the world's four top mathematics magazines.

After having breakfast, he drove to the magazine. As usual, he made himself a cup of coffee, and then manipulated the mouse to open the work mailbox. At this moment, a ding-dong came from the speaker, indicating that he had received a new copy. mail.

Pete took a sip of coffee and clicked on the email.

Probably because the attachment is too large, the response time of the computer is a bit long.

He put down the coffee cup in his hand and looked at the title of the paper: "FourwaystoprovetheGoldbachConjecture"

He thought that he must be a novice who gave such a name to the paper.

and many more-

Peter reacted, four ways to prove Goldbach's conjecture?

He hurriedly read the question again, that's right.

Pete lifted his spirits, his face was solemn, and he continued to look down.

Ten minutes... thirty minutes... one hour...

He rubbed his astringent eyes, and with his mathematics, he could only read page twentieth, and then he couldn't go down.

But this does not prevent him from expressing his excitement.

Perhaps he will witness a historic moment.

Pete hurriedly printed out the paper, then waved the paper and rushed into the editor's office.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't understand it, but in Princeton, in the United States, in North America, in the whole world, someone can read this paper.

"Goldbach Conjecture?"

The editor-in-chief James was obviously more calm. He looked directly at the author column and only wrote one name on it: "ZezhiMeng."

Look at the author unit column again: "JinchengUniversity."

He frowned: "Chinese?"

It's not that he discriminates against China, but in such a mathematics poor place, can anyone really prove Goldbach's conjecture?

This is a worldwide problem that has plagued the entire mathematics community for 270 years.

Pete said immediately: "Mr. James, I can understand what you mean, so what we have to do now is to send this paper for review as soon as possible, so that the professors can verify the correctness of this paper."

General academic journals will divide the review of incoming manuscripts into two links. The first link is journal editor review, and the second link is reviewer review.

Journal editors will screen articles according to the subject of the article and the scope of the journal, and then send qualified articles to appropriate reviewers for review.

The reviewers mainly come from three aspects: one is the editorial board members of the journal, especially for some newly created journals; the other is colleagues around the world; and the last is the reviewer candidates provided by the contributor himself.

But for top academic journals that stand at the forefront of academics, in order to ensure the correctness of review results and avoid academic fraud, their reviewers are limited to peers who are engaged in the same research direction as the article, usually three to five people. Therefore, this link is also called the peer review link.

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