Arc 1.7

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The next morning, Meng Zezhi carried a box of ginseng and two boxes of coffee to the Department of Biology Building.

Finding Zhu Zhengqing's office according to the information given by Professor Wan, the security door was ajar, and Meng Zezhi raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"Please come in."

There was a light breath in his voice, like Lin Laiquan's rhyme.

Meng Zezhi opened the door.

The man squatted in a cardboard box on the ground, just looking up at him, the sweat on his forehead ran down the smooth chin, wet the front of his clothes, and the delicate collarbone was looming.

A flash of surprise flashed in his eyes: "It's you?"

Meng Zezhi calmly retracted his gaze and suppressed the strange feeling in his heart. He questioned: "Professor Zhu?"

Hearing what he said, Zhu Zhengqing's eyes flashed suddenly: "You are the Professor Meng that Grandpa Wan said!"

Since it is an acquaintance, it is easier to talk.

Meng Zezhi walked over and stretched out his hand.

Zhu Zhengqing stood up, reached out and shook hands with Meng Zezhi, and then found that his hand was wrapped tightly by Meng Zezhi's hand.

Are old men's hands so big?

He thought seriously.

When he recovered, Meng Zezhi had already put his hands back, and said, "I will be in trouble for a while, Professor Zhu!"

"It's okay," Zhu Zhengqing retracted his hand calmly, and then pointed to the sofa next to him: "Sit down."

Meng Zezhi nodded slightly and put the gift box in his hand on the coffee table.

There was no figure like Zhu Zhengqing in the plot he got, but it did not prevent him from learning from Professor Wan that he was extraordinary.

A famous background, graduated from the Junior Class of the University of Science and Technology, was admitted to MIT with a full scholarship at the age of 16, under the tutelage of Nobel Prize winner and world-renowned biologist Professor Montani, received a PhD at the age of 20 and transferred to Harvard As a postdoctoral fellow, he won the Darwin Prize two years later and stayed on as an associate professor in the same year.

The prize amount of the Darwin Prize is not high, only two hundred pounds, but it is named after a great scientist like Darwin, and it is awarded by the Royal Society with a long history and a prestigious history. Therefore, it has a great influence in the academic world and is worldwide. The prestigious prize in biology.

So far, he has published more than 20 academic papers in international authoritative academic journals, including three papers in "Cell" and one in "Nature" as the corresponding author.

"Cell", "Nature" and "Science" are also known as the world's three top academic journals.

There is a passage in the academic circle. If you can publish a paper in these three top academic journals, you can find a teaching position in any university in China; if you publish two papers, you will be eligible to be selected for the "Thousand Young Talents Program", or in the '985 ', '211' University won the position of full professor.

As for the corresponding author, it refers to the person in charge of the project, who is responsible for the funding, design, writing and checking of the paper. In terms of intellectual property rights, the research results can be regarded as the corresponding author, which is not the same as the domestic rules.

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