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Two months later, the Jiang Qiyang case was pronounced.

The Los Angeles court heard this case. The police first found 298 grams of 71% pure **** in Jiang Qiyang's residence. According to the drug quantity table, he was sentenced to 16 years in prison.

Then the IRS found out that he owed 24 million U.S. dollars in taxes. The judge sentenced him to seven years in prison, fined 3 million U.S. dollars, and paid the taxation department.

Both crimes were punished, and he was sentenced to 22 years in total.

As for the rights of prisoners under American law to obtain parole and commutation for good performance, Meng Zezhi knows that in one day, these four words will never appear in Jiang Qiyang's files.

There are 22 years in his life. Jiang Qiyang is already 24 years old this year. When he comes out of prison, the vigorous young man will become a gray-haired middle-aged and elderly person.

Meng Zezhi couldn't be more satisfied with this.

In Los Angeles prison, Jiang Qiyang was lying on the bed. In the middle of the night, the light in the cell was not so good. He could only vaguely see him in the blue and red except for his face intact.

This was the first day Jiang Qiyang came in, and the inmates in the prison showed a keen interest in him.

Shame, anger, unwillingness, pain, resentment... After all the emotions have passed through my heart, only confusion remains.

Jiang Qiyang clearly remembered that two months ago, the best friend shared with him a new film, one man and four women. When he was seeing Xing on his head at night, a lightning bolt struck him along the wires. , He lost consciousness between the light of calcium carbide and fire.

When I woke up again, I had already changed a world.


Thinking of this, he was ecstatic. As a veteran netizen for more than ten years, what he usually likes most to read is the novels of Chuanliu City. I would like to ask which of the protagonists in Chuanliu novels is not accomplished, rich and powerful, three wives and four. Concubine... Isn't this exactly what he dreams of?

Just when he was frantically trying to find his own golden finger, the police broke in.

The next thing is like dreaming.

He went to the police station in a daze, knowing his great achievements in a daze, he was shocked and indignant...Although he did not know why he lost the memory of this period of time, his instinct told him that this was indeed what he could do. Things.

Jiang Qiyang cheered up and wanted to exonerate himself. As a result, in the court, the lawyer he hired turned aside and stabbed him. He was stupidly sentenced to 22 years in prison.

No matter how inactive he was in his last life, no matter how old he was, and no matter how much he was looked down upon, he still had freedom anyhow.

Finally, his dream came true. He passed through, but went straight to prison. The future is bleak.

Why is this happening?

He is obviously a man who wants to dominate the entertainment industry and reach the pinnacle of his life!

When Jiang Qiyang was shrinking in the dark cell and doubting his life, the situation of his eight confidantes was not much better.

Feng Tianhou was hid in the snow, and the money she earned over the years and the money Jiang Qiyang gave her were just enough to compensate her for the astronomical liquidated damages of the spokesperson.

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